Non-Monetary Compensation and Lecturers’ Effectiveness in Kampala International University, Uganda
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Kampala International University, College of Education, Open and Distance Learning
In this study, the researcher looked at the non monetary compensation and lecturers’ effectiveness in Kampala International University. Quantitative data was collected using the non probability administered questionnaire that consisted of 23 items in independent variables and 48 items on the dependent variables; and was distributed to samples of 150 lecturers and 360 students from different colleges. A Pearson Coefficient Correlation was used to test the hypothesis on correlation at 0.05 level; and One way Anova was used to compare lecturers’ effectiveness within the university. The highest rank in the demographic characteristics of the lecturers: 55.8% male, 7O.7% between 20-39 years of age; 68.3% in Masters level; and 46.7% less than five years teaching experiences. SPSS descriptive statistics was used to analyze the level of non monetary compensation which included the status of the profession, esteem needs, delegation of authority, working condition and job enrichment (Mean= 2.27) rated as low; and the level of lecturers’ effectiveness which embraced rapport attributes, delivery attributes, fairness attributes, knowledge and creative attributes, and organization and preparation attributes (Mean=3.01) interpreted as high. The null hypothesis was rejected since p value (0.008) was less than 0.05. Therefore, there was a significant relationship; and the research confirmed that there was a significant difference in the level of lecturers’ effectiveness among different colleges. Utilizing the non monetary compensation in promoting the effectiveness of lecturers posed a serious challenge to educational administration in Kampala International University; and often found difficult to ensure a sustainable effectiveness with special skills and academic experiences. The effectiveness of lecturers existed because of fear of unemployment or the deserved scholarships for young lecturers. Therefore, the university should be able to promote the non monetary compensation strengthening the lecturers’ professional status, esteem needs, delegation of authority, working condition and job enrichment so as to improve the educational standard of the university and to produce quality of students.
A Thesis Presented To The College Of Higher Degrees And Research Studies Kampala International University Kampala, Uganda In Partial Fulfillment Of The Requirements For The Degree Master Of Educational Management And Administration
Non-Monetary Compensation, Lecturers’ Effectiveness