Legal Realities Versuses Culture: A Perspective on Land Acquisation in West Moyo District in Uganda.

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Kampala International University, School of law.
Land is the most essential pillar of human existence and national development, according to the Government of Uganda (Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development, 2011: 2). It is a source of identity and cultural heritage. With 87 percent living in rural areas, of which 34 percent lives in pove1iy, land in general and access to land in specific is a crucial issue in Uganda (FAO, 2010.) Indeed there is an upsurge in large scale land acquisition including a rush for land that fonnerly was of no interest to any investment. But there is limited infonnation over the nature, the scale and location of such deals and it is difficult to report with accuracy, the nature and the scale of deals which take place. In most cases land grabbing goes unnoticed; there is underreporting of land deals and the perpetuators of land deals do it either indirectly through others or in a manner that may not depict the deal as land grabbing. In Uganda, there has been a vehement denial by government that land grabbing phenomenon does exist. There is limited information on land grabbing in Uganda. What may pass as genuine land acquisition may actually turn out to be land grabbing thus the invisibility or land grabbing. Lack or information complicates assessing their impact on development. This research is to present some findings .The research is guided by the following objectives; a) to identify strategic and practical solutions that can transform the proccdural acquisition or land in Moyo district. b) To identify the existing forms and nature of land acquisition in the district. c) To find out iflt is a question or choice oC which should have supremacy over the other. cl) How do we make the two legal regimes, work together or compliment each other0 e) To address the clash between statutory system and customary tenure land system for sale or communally owned land. To achieve these objectives the researcher wi II use the methodology. The researcher also intends to use a descriptive case study approach and he or she will focus on West Moyo district in Uganda fi:ir data collection.
A dissertation presented to the School of Law at Kampala International University in Fulfillment of the Requirements for an Award of Bachelors Degree in Laws.
Legal Realities, Land Acquisation, Versus Culture, Moyo District, Uganda