A comparative study of the factors affecting academic performance of selected schools in urban and rural sectors in Eldoret municipality Uasin-Gisihu district, Rift valley province Kenya
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Kampala international international: College of Education, open and distance learning
The study set out to establish the factors that account for poor academic performance in rural secondary schools. It was carried out along a number of objectives which included: assessing the relationship between students' discipline and academic perfo1mance, to examine the accessibility of students to learning materials and their effect on academic performance and to find out the effect of teachers' motivation practices on the students' academic performance. From these objectives, appropriate hypotheses were generated which were verified to establish the relationships between the variables. It was undertaken in selected Secondary schools in Gishu District. From the study, the researcher concluded that there is relationship between discipline and pe1fo1mance, there 1s a relationships between accessibility to learning materials and pe1formance of the students in Secondary schools and that there is a relationship between teachers' motivation and student's performance in secondary schools. From the study also, a number of recommendations were made which included; There is need for management to involve students in decision making on decisions that directly concern students discipline management, there is need for the schools' management to consider availing text books especially the current publications as an important aspect that could help in improving students' performance and that there is need to consider teachers achievement recognition as an important performance management ingredient.
A research paper submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the a ward of degree in early childhood and primary education of Kampala international university
Education, Academic performance, Eldoret municipality, Uasin-Gisihu district, Selected schools, Urban and rural sectors