Introduction of free primary education and its impact on the enrollment in early childhood development education Centers in Lugari South Zone, Baharini Village of Lugari District
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Kampala International University; College of Education Open and Distance Learning
Early childhood development education is the basic foundation of the child. This is the introduction of the child to the reading and writing while building on, on the listening and speaking skills introduced to the child at home. Therefore it is important to look for ways and means to improve it. The researcher on this note have realized the importance of comparing and contrasting the introduction of free primary education (FPE) in all the public primary schools in Kenya with the enrolment of the children in Early childhood Development centre. The research was carried out in Lugari District in Rift Valley Province, a District with five Divisions. The researcher was interested with the effects of FPE in the enrolment of children in ECDE Centers in the District. After the findings the researcher was able to come up with the possible solutions to those effects. The education stake holders may use to improve the education of the child in the district, and the government also may adopt it. Regardless of the limitation of the funds, time and weather condition, the researcher successfully produced a report with real facts. The delimitation was added advantages that ease the road to success. The researcher adopted the quantitative and survey method to collect the information .The targeted population was five Divisions with over two hundred pre-schools. The researcher due to numerous limitations was able to cut down the number of Divisions to two, which in 40% of the total population. The sampling procedure was random sampling to enable each division equal chances of being selected. In this research the researcher used interviews to collect the data.
A research report submitted to the Institute of Open and Distance Learning in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Award of Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood in Primary Education of Kampala International University
Primary education, Enrollment in early childhood, Development education Centers, Lugari District