Assessement of Different Point Water Sources in Kyakaliba and so Determine the Best Water Source for Kyaliba Rural Developing Community, Case Study in Hoima District
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Kampala International University, School of engineering and applied science, department of civil enginering
Kyakaliba is a small village nestled in Buntanjwa Sub-county two miles away from Hoima Town in Hoima district in Western Uganda. The population is 500 people ( Source: P o p u l a t i o n C e n s u s ; 2 0 1 4 ) which is growing fast as result of the Oil sprouting economic activity in the district. Currently the available water sources are 3 Shallow wells, a spring, and Rain water harvest but of the three wells, only one works with an issue of having too much Iron in the water, the spring runs dry in the dry season and not all people have learnt to tap rain water with considerable containers like tanks. The other two wells are not in use as a result of inadequate maintenance and so there was a need to call for this project in order to Evaluate these water sources and come up with efficient mechanisms to provide adequate water quantity and quality such as digging another borehole in an Iron free site, sensitization of people to own rain water collection containers, repair of the two broken boreholes in the short run instead of high water pipe project costs and a present conducive and relatively steady rate population by:
1. Conducting water tests 2. Soil Inspection 3. Determining water demand 4. Population forecasting 5. Water source analysis for discharge 6. Determination of water source sustainability
For the long run, a pipe line network from Hoima town to Kyakaliba was proposed as the area being in the oil rich Albertine region will attract more people in the next 15 years.
Final year project submitted to Kampala International University in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
Different Point Water Sources in Kyakaliba, Water Source for Kyaliba Rural Developing Community