Corporate credibility and customer retention in warid telecom Uganda:

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Kampala International University, College of Economics and Management.
The purpose of this study was to explore the factors that determine the link between corporate credibility and customer retention. It was found in previous researches that financial analysts, competitors, customers and employees are the most common stakeholders included in the corporate credibility studies. Nevertheless, the present approach incorporated the former customers’ perspective as a crucial element, by capturing their experience, their reasons for leaving and the present image that they hold. Hence, a review of the specific concepts and closer relationships such as corporate image linking to customer loyalty were taken as a reference to build a particular outcome in this case study. This study included five chapters of data where in chapter one the problem was introduced and stated as corporate credibility and customer retention using a case study of Wand Telecom Uganda. The objectives of the study were determined and the scope was identified. Several significance s of the study were revealed also. In chapter two the researcher looked at the various different scholarly and professional views on the impact of corporate credibility and customer retention in reference to the study objectives. These ideas of the different scholars were therefore employed into the literature review. Chapter three revealed the research methods that were employed in the due course of this study. Ways in which to collect, analyze and edit data were identified and looked at, the sample size of the study and population of the area was also examined and showed in this chapter. The limitations that tried to hinder this study were also discussed in detail and their solutions cited by the researcher. Chapter four was about presentation and analysis of the data related to the study of examining the enhancement of corporate image using data and findings from Wand Telecom Uganda. Chapter five mainly dealt with summary, conclusions and recommendations as related to the project study.
a dissertation submitted to the college of humanities and social sciences in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of bachelor degree in mass communication of Kampala international university.
Corporate credibility, customer retention, warid telecom Uganda