Factors influencing HIV counseling and testing among Partners to women attending antenatal clinic at Kampala International university teaching Hospital, Bushenyi, Uganda.
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Kampala International University. School of Health Sciences Western Campus
Men’s role in HIV prevention is pivotal to changing the course of the epidemic. When men Participate in Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission (PMTCT) programs, their knowledge of HIV increases, their behavior becomes supportive, and their receptiveness to HIV testing increases. The main aim of this study was to establish the factors influencing HIV counseling and testing among partners of women attending Antenatal Clinic at Kampala International University Teaching Hospital, Bushenyi District. The study also determines the socio-demographic, cultural, and programmatic and attitudes influencing uptake of partner counseling and testing at the ANC in Kampala International University Teaching Hospital, Bushenyi District. The research employed descriptive cross sectional study design, with random systematic sampling procedure. The sample size was arrived at through the use of Fischer’s formula and 100 respondents were interviewed. Data collection was through the use of a structured questionnaire. The research established that marital status significantly affected the uptake of partner testing (χ2 = 24.080; p=0.000 ;) while the residence of the partner also affected the uptake (χ2 = 3.240, p = 0.000). other factors such as health care workers ignoring men also influenced the couple HIV counseling and testing, privacy was limited and cultural beliefs also significantly influenced the uptake of couple HIV counseling and testing. There is need for testing avenues for men (at work place, home based, or clinics that run during the weekends. The facility should create more space at the MCH clinics to improve on confidentiality and privacy.
Research dissertation submitted as a requirement for the partial fulfillment for the award of degree of bachelor of medicine and bachelor of surgery (mbchb), Kampala International University (KIU).
HIV counseling and testing, Antenatal Clinic