An assessment of the impact of employee counseling programs on the employees’ performance. a case study of the National Bank of Rwanda (BNR)

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Kampala International University, College of Economics
Employee counseling services are necessary to each organization if it is to ii employee’s performance. However, it is a big challenge to most of local companies because they do not yet understand very well its rationale. This, therefore, necessitated a study in order to show the importance of employee counseling services in human organizations. This study, therefore, had the purpose of assessing the impact of employee counseling services provided to the employees in the National Bank of Rwanda (BNR). In order to generate good and accurate information, the Stratified random sampling technique was used. Under this the National Bank employees were into two sub-groups (strata). The first sub-group was made of the BNR top and middle managers and the second one was made of the subordinates. After getting those two sub-groups a simple random sampling technique was applied. For the primary data collection, questionnaire and interview were used. The questionnaire was designed and distributed to two different types of respondents. The first type of respondents were the National Bank management while the second type were the National Bank subordinates who in most cases were the beneficiaries of counseling services. Beyond questionnaire method, interview method was also used. The research found that employee counseling programs are necessary to the National Bank of Rwanda so as to improve their performance and increase productivity. This was noticed through out the findings from the research study. In fact, it was evident that employee counseling services have a big impact on employee performance and in problem solving as well. The study concludes by making some recommendations on how employee counseling services should be implemented in the National Bank of Rwanda in order for them to assist the BNR staff to improve their productivity. Employee counseling services should be provided in an appropriate place which gives more security to the clients than the current one where other people can hear and see the counselee. The BNR management should increase meetings (through workshops, seminars and trainings) explaining counseling section as long as it is still a new concept to the National Bank of Rwanda. These workshops or seminars should be based on the special needs of the organization and its employees. The counselor should create trust and friendship with all employees, which is good when they freely express their problems to her.
A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Master of Business Administration of Kampala International University
Employee counseling, Employees’ performance, National Bank of Rwanda