The Impact of Drug Abuse on Morals Behaviours in Homes in Muhoroni Division, Nyando District, Kenya
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Kampala International University; College of Education Open and Distance Learning
The study analyzed drug abuse and moral behaviour in homes a case study of Muhoroni Division, Nyando District Kenya. The study aimed at investigating the influence of excessive drugs taking on morals behaviour in families in Muhoroni Division. This was upon the background that, the increasing cases of domestic violence, school dropout, and child neglect and sex abuse in Muhoroni are highly related to drugs taking. The study was guided by objectives that included establishing the reasons for taking drugs by the people in Muhoroni; to examine the life experiences in families with members that take drugs and to suggest solutions to the problems faced by various families as a result of drugs consumption. The study was sought through quantitative and qualitative designs while the latter was derived from documentary review from various libraries. The study established that, the major factors that lead people to consume drugs include; influence of peers, cultural influence, family moral decadence unemployment, and unfair government policy. The study also examined the life experience in families with members that take drugs which were, domestic violence, hunger, irreligiousness, sex abuse, school dropout , poor health , poor interpersonal relations and how levels of investment among others. The study suggested that; the local and religious leaders should educate the public about the dangers of drugs parents should take their children advice, employees drugs consumption should be formulated and implemented. People should be counselled, creation of new jobs and setting up of better recreation activities and centers. The study therefore concludes that; the weakening of the cultural system has led to moral decadence in families, poor government policy unemployment has led to high levels of poverty , which all lead to people turning desperate and this consume drugs. Unfortunately drugs badly affects people health, leads to domestic violence, sex abuse, school dropout among other effects which lead to high level of poverty. The study therefore concludes that, the major reasons for excessive drugs taking are; for pleasure, peer pressure, unemployment and spouse influence among other reasons. The major consequences of excessive drugs taking are; spread domestic violence, unwanted pregnancies, sex and drug of HIV/AIDS, abuse, children are poorly facilitated in schools, unemployment and use of abusive language. The study suggested that, there should be implementation of appropriate laws, improving parent-child relationship, counseling by religious and local administrators, employers should penalize drunkard employees, government and people should subsidize peoples' economic activities. The family, government, religious, cultural and NGO leaders should cooperate in condemning any immoral activities in society and there causes such as excessive drugs taking.
A research report presented to the Institute of Open and Distance Learning in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Award of Bachelors Degree of Education (Primary Option) of Kampala International University
Drug abuse, Morals behaviours in homes, Nyando District, Kenya