Automated Financial Management Information Systems (AFMIS):
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Kampala International University, School of Computing and Information Technology
This project is made purposely as a report of an automated Financial Information Management System. A project undertaken by the researcher as partial fulfillment for the attainment of a Degree in Business Computing in Kampala International University, and it has been made in Speed-IT Ltd as the case study and most of its functionality is thus based on the needs of these specific system users.
All government organization, institution of higher learning, small and medium Enterprises use financial information management system. This is basically for proper management of financial information like the sales record, purchases, invoices, bank statement so that information is kept available and the integrity whenever needed.
The broad objective of this project was to develop an automated financial information management system that overcomes the challenges of financial information management system currently in use at Speed-IT Ltd like duplication of data, confusion of staffs, and insecurity of information resulting into inefficiencies. The data was collected using interview and observation methods where by feasibility study was carried out and I found out that there was a lot of losses due to use of manual records and they were not kept well. These findings enticed me to design automated financial management information with the help of data flow diagrams, logical and physical design like creation of tables and tools like visual basic and Access and implemented the system by replacing the existing one.
A Research Project Report Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Award of Bachelor Degree of Business Computing of Kampala International University
Automated Financial Management Information Systems (AFMIS), Speed Information Technology Limited