The influence of indigenous knowledge on environmental management: A case study of Lwemiyaga Sub-County, Ssembabule District, Uganda

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School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Due to increased global environmental challenges and its emerging problems, it is evidenced that decision-makers have realized that scientific knowledge alone is insufficient to solve them hence the knowledge of the local people often referred to as 1K is increasingly recognized as an important source of environmental management. The main objective of the study was to examine the influence of indigenous 1K in environmental management and the specific objectives were to identify the IKS and practices, determine the various contributions of 1K on conservation of natural resources and management of the environment, find out the disadvantages of incorporating 1K in environmental management. The methods and materials used in collection of data included; questionnaires, interview guide, observation and the sample size was 50 respondents. The findings were: IKS included a system of crop management like weeding, thinning, pruning, mulching, ways of soil conservation were; using animal wastes, crop wastes, poultry droppings and fallowing, tree management practices were; pruning, thinning, pollarding, and trenching. Disease treatment and management were isolation, herbs, traditional healing and ritual performances. The contributions of 1K on natural resource conservation and management of the environment included; increased vegetation cover, preservation of wild resources, increased quality and quantity of water and increased soil fertility. In conclusion therefore, The IKS included a system of growing crops and the highest was bananas (42%) and the least was groundnuts (6%).The highest local management system of these crops was weeding (52%) and the least was pollarding (4%). This is because the area is highly infested with weeds. In terms of increasing soil fertility, the highest method was addition of animal wastes (50%) and the least was fallowing (9%). This is because animal wastes like cow dung are readily available due to many herds of cattle reared. The highest tree management practices was pruning (4O%) and the least was trenching (4%). The highest treatment method was use of herbs (60%) and the least was through ritual performances (6%). This is due to availability of information regarding use of traditional herbs. The ix contributions of 1K to natural resource conservation and management of the environment, increased quality and quantity of water (40%) was the highest and the least was increased air quality (2%). This is because water is scarce in the area and therefore highly conserved. The disadvantages of incorporating 1K in environmental management include; negative practices like bush burning (60%) and the least was swamp reclamation (4%). This is because fire is used to clear land for cultivation and killing ticks. Negative traditional practices on human beings, the highest was early marriages (40%) and the least was man eating (6%). This is because early marriages are a source of wealth in terms of bride price. From the above conclusion i therefore recommend the following; motivation, developing a data base, incorporating IK in school curriculum, creating awareness and sensitization
A dissertation submitted to the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of Bachelors of Science Degree in Environment Management of Kampala International University
Indigenous knowledge, Environmental management, Lwemiyaga Sub-County, Ssembabule District