Counter-Terrorism Measures and National Security in Mogadishu Somalia
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Kampala International University
This study was aimed at examining the impact of Somalia Counterterrorism efforts on national security in Mogadishu, Somalia. It was guided by three objectives of; (i) To examine the effect of the pursue strategy of Counterterrorism efforts on national security in Somalia; using Mogadishu City as a case study, (ii) To explain the impact of the prevent strategy of Counterterrorism efforts on national security in Somalia; using Mogadishu City as a case study, and (iii) To determine the impact of the prepare and protect strategy of Counterterrorism on national security in Somalia; using Mogadishu City as a case study. The study adopted both descriptive and correlations research designs to investigate the parameters of the study. In this case, both qualitative and quantitative. The target population of this research was 29,057 from which a sample of 205 was selected from, using Scott Smith, (2013): (Z value)2 X. The collected data was edited, coded, organized and entered into the computer for analysis. After data entry, all errors were eliminated and frequency analysis was done such that descriptive analysis was computed. The study findings indicated that there was a positive and moderately significant impact of pursue strategy of Counter Terrorism on national security in Somalia; a case study of Mogadishu City (r= .610, P-value < 0.01). This implied that pursue strategy of counter-terrorism, it will result into a corresponding good and improved National Security in Somalia. Further, the study shows that there was a positive and moderately significant impact of prevent strategy of Counter Terrorism efforts on national security in Somalia; a case study of Mogadishu City (r =.597, P-value < 0.01). This implied that effective prevent strategy mechanisms of Counter Terrorism will lead to improved national security in Somalia; a case study of Mogadishu City. And lastly, The study shows that there was a positive and moderately significant impact of Prepare and protect strategy of Counter Terrorism and national security in Mogadishu City, Somalia (r = .582, P-value < 0.01). This implied that improved Prepare and protect strategy of Counter Terrorism or a positive change in the Prepare and protect strategy mechanisms of Counter Terrorism will have a relatively positive impact on national security in Mogadishu City, Somalia. The study however, recommended that the government of Somalia should empower citizens who have the skills, knowledge and attitudes to participate, including the ability to organize themselves. It also recommended that the government of Somalia should effectively implement laws, regulations and policies that enable participation and social accountability. In conclusion, the study had it that there was a positive and moderately significant impact of pursue strategy of Counter Terrorism on national security in Somalia; a case study of Mogadishu City (r= .610, P-value < 0.01). Further, the study concluded that there was a positive and moderately significant impact of prevent strategy of Counter Terrorism efforts on national security in Somalia (r =.597, P-value < 0.01), and that there was a positive and moderately significant impact of Prepare and protect strategy of Counter Terrorism and national security in Mogadishu City, Somalia (r = .582, P-value < 0.01).
A Dissertation Submitted to the College of Humanities and Social Sciences in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Award Master’s Degree in International Relations and Diplomatic Studies of Kampala International University
Counter-Terrorism Measures, National Security, Mogadishu, Somalia