Impacts of climate change on crop production. A case study of Tisai Island, Ongino Sub County, Kumi District

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School of Engineering and Applied Sciences
Climate change in Tisai Island is one of the constraints on crop production and has become so rapid especially in the last 10 to 20 years. According to this study, climate change refers to the average weather or statistical description of the mean and variability of relevant quantities over a period of time ranging from months to thousands of millions of years (30 years). The main objective of the study was to explore the impacts of climate change on crop productivity in Tisai Island and the specific objectives were; to find out the causes of climate change, to establish the effects of climate change on crop productivity, to identify the measures used in mitigating climate change effects on crop productivity, and to examine the measures used in increasing crop productivity amidst climate change. The sampling methods were random sampling and judgmental sampling and the sample size was 50 respondents. The instruments for data collection were; questionnaires, interview guides and observation which helped in identifying different climate change phenomenon. During the study, the researcher found out that climate change in Tisai Island is caused by many factors like charcoal burning, bush burning, fossil fuel combustion and deforestation. This has led to various effects such as unreliable rainfall, extreme temperatures, increased pests and disease, floods and soil infertility. However, some mitigation measures are being implemented by the government and nongovernmental organizations to curb down the situation and they are; strict laws and policies, public awareness and participation, afforestation and reforestation and public participation. In conclusion, climate change in Tisai Island is caused majorly by deforestation and bush burning and to a small extent caused by fossil fuel combustion resulting to high temperatures, floods, droughts and unreliable rainfall. However these have been mitigated by measures like awareness creation, public participation, laws and policies, afforestation and reafforestati on. The researcher therefore recommends that development projects like rural electrification programmes, modern agricultural programmes should be extended in the area to help in regulating human activities Iike de forestation, bush burning and charcoal burning. The National Environmental Management Authority (NEMA) together with the government and other organizations should carry out various projects like afforestation and reafforestation and irrigation. Fines and charges should put in place to combat environmental degradation. Public awareness should be increased through adverts on radios, posters and carrying out freely attended seminars and also Farmers should also be provided with fast maturing crop varieties to increase their yields. Lastly promotion of Food security by encouraging people to store food for their families in the granaries
A dissertation submitted to the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of bachelors of Science degree in Environmental management of Kampala International University
Climate change, Crop Production, Kumi district