Assessment of knowledge, attitude, and practice of self-breast examination among mothers attending maternal child health clinic at Kabwohe Health Center IV Sheema District
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Kampala International University, School of Health Sciences
Breast self-examination (BSE) is a screening method used to detect early breast cancer which involves the woman herself looking at and feeling each breast for possible lumps, distortions and Swellings. The main aim of the study was to determine the knowledge, attitude, and practice of SBE among mothers who attend maternal child health clinic at Kabwohe health center IV. The study took place at the health center IV. A disproportionate stratified sampling technique was used to select a sample size of 58 Mothers. Self-administered questionnaires were used to collect the data. The data was compiled and analyzed using SPSS. Mothers in a higher level of education performed BSE properly. The results revealed 93.1% respondents had ever heard of breast cancer and BSE. Majority of respondents cited the media and formal education as their source of information on breast cancer and BSE. Even though the majority of respondents claimed they had heard of SBE, only 80% knew how to perform it. The study showed that majority of respondents were aware of breast cancer as a disease and self-breast examination as a screening method, but their knowledge and understanding of the method of BSE was very low. Breast cancer and self-breast examination awareness campaigns are therefore necessary to improve early breast cancer detection.
A research report submitted to Uganda Nurses and Midwives Examination Board in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the requirements for the award of a Diploma in Nursing Science
Self-breast examination, Mothers attending maternal child health clinic, Kabwohe Health Center IV, Sheema District