English language usage and poverty eradication in Uganda case study of Makindye division Kampala district-Uganda

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The research is presented basing on English language usage and poverty eradication in Uganda taking Makindye division in Kampala district as the case study. The research is presented basing on three specific objectives that is; to examine the usage of English language as a catalyst to poverty eradication in Makindye division, identify ways of overcoming poverty in Makindye division and establish the relationship between English language and poverty eradication in Makindye division. In this research, quantitative approach was used to investigate English language and poverty eradication in Makindye division. The researcher used descriptive survey research design for descriptive purposes. The study concludes that all activities done in native languages are more successful than those done in foreign languages. The study argues that the pronunciation of the language terms in English as a foreign language was generally poor among the Community of Makindye Division. The study calls for the need for timely intervention in the Community environment especially in teaching, provision of English teaching materials, attainment of English interpreters and provision, there is need for timely interventions in the elderly classroom in form of ensuring practices of English language in the classrooms. The study recommends for the need to improve English language usage especially in the area of pronunciation aimed at developing the competency of the community in English languages. The differences in pronunciation need to be identified and dealt with among the Community to enable them to perform better in poverty eradication programs that are conducted in English language at most. In conclusion, there is a need to stress a policy on an official language translators in the Communities to avoid the usage only English instead of the mother tongue in the community and public offices. That would increase poverty eradication programs circulation in the communities.
Research report submitted to the college of education open distance learning in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of degree of masters of Arts in English of Kampala international university
English, Language usage, Poverty eradication, Uganda