Bachelors Degree of Management Information Systems (BIS)

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    ICT-Enabled Solutions to Farmers Increase Crop Yields While Reducing their use of energy
    (2023-07) Dr. V. S. Manjula , Fatou Marega , Robert Ssali Balagadde
    This book chapter explores the role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)-enabled solutions in agriculture to increase crop yields while simultaneously reducing energy consumption. It discusses various ICT tools and technologies, including precision agriculture, data analytics, remote sensing, and smart irrigation systems, and their applications in optimizing resource allocation, improving decision-making processes, and promoting sustainable practices. The chapter highlights the benefits, challenges, and future prospects of implementing these ICT-enabled solutions in agricultural systems.
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    A Review of Cluster Under-Sampling In Unbalanced Dataset As A Methods For Improving Software Defect Prediction
    (Journal of Applied Sciences, Information and Computing (JASIC), 2023) Abdulhamid Sani, V. S. Manjula and Musa Ahmed Zayyad
    In many real-world machine learning applications, including software defect prediction, detecting fraud, detection of network intrusion and penetration, managing risk, and medical dataset, class imbalance is an inherent issue. It happens when there aren't many instances of a certain class mostly the class the procedure is meant to identify because the occurrence the class reflects is rare. The considerable priority placed on correctly classifying the relatively minority instances—which incur a higher cost if incorrectly categorized than the majority instances—is a major driving force for class imbalance learning. Supervised models are often designed to maximize the overall classification accuracy; however, because minority examples are rare in the training data, they typically misclassify minority instances. Training a model is facilitated by balancing the dataset since it keeps the model from becoming biased in favor of one class. Put another way, just because the model has more data, it won't automatically favor the majority class. One method of reducing the issue of class imbalance before training classification models is data sampling; however, the majority of the methods now in use introduce additional issues during the sampling process and frequently overlook other concerns related to the quality of the data. Therefore, the goal of this work is to create an effective sampling algorithm that, by employing a straightforward logical framework, enhances the performance of classification algorithms. By providing a thorough literature on class imbalance while developing and putting into practice a novel Cluster under Sampling Technique (CUST), this research advances both academia and industry. It has been demonstrated that CUST greatly enhances the performance of popular classification techniques like C 4.5 decision tree and One Rule when learning from imbalance datasets.
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    Automatic Pick and Place Robot Manipulation Using a Microcontroller
    (Journal of Applied & Computational Mathematics, 2018-07-03) Manjula VS and Karamagi RI
    Robots are versatile instruments of technology that work to make the life of human beings easy. The perceptive visualizations of a task being done are theorized and modeled into real-time algorithmic executions. Pick and place systems are highly advantageous due to their consistency, accuracy, precision, repeatability, reliability, resolution and efficiency. A robot arm is fixed to a base and operates in its workspace to achieve the migration towards its pick location. It opens its gripper upon arrival to grasp the object and move with it to the depot location. Upon arrival at the destination it opens its claws to release the object. The microcontroller sets the servo motors to rotate at calibrated angles that place the arm at the desired position in space and time to commit to the task. The dawn of today’s research across the horizon of computing shall bring rise to the apocalypse that shall abominate all barriers of robotic development.
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    Design and testing of a staff contact web base management system, a case of ministry of internal affairs, immigration department
    (Kampala international international: School of computing and Information technology, 2013-09) Sanford, Ayo; Daniel, Arwai
    Abstract is a document designed to show a review of whatever the designers tackled on during designing processes of the project proposal. It summarized the content in all chapters. This project comprised of five chapters that is, chapter one which included a number of sub topics like background, problem statement and also objectives discussed with in this chapter, the justification of the study to mention but a few. Chapter two covered literature review that described the review of literature relating to some writers and scholars plus other researchers and designers. Chapter three described the methodology including both the physical and logical techniques used and even the tools applied during the design of the final report. The design basically related to what other writers and designers say about what and so on and so forth. Chapter four included system development and testing which illustrates the system development life cycle up to the end, lastly chapter five described system evaluation including the design lay outs of the system the problems encountered during the development phase and lastly the recommendations made. It is helpful to the user as well since it produced the information required for the project design. After passing through, we were being able to understand the system use and its effectiveness. In the appendices, the methods used like the questionnaire, Time Frame and the proposed Budget for the project.
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    An electronic pharmaceutical distribution system: a case study of Cornerstone Pharmaceuticals Limited, Mbale District
    (School of Computing and Information Technology, 2013-08) Wamani, Fatina; Yapsoyekwo, Babra
    This project is aimed at developing an Electronic Pharmaceutical Distribution System for Cornerstone pharmaceuticals that will cover and enable pharmaceutical agents get access to pharmaceutical distribution channels and be able to manage and make delivery arrangements, as well as view current distribution status, check for available drugs, store information on drugs and customers, manage distribution of the drugs and enable online sales. iPharm, which is the developed online pharmaceutical system, addresses the problem of delayed services, shortage of essential medicines, failure to access the appropriate drugs, very high costs in distribution of drugs as well as lack of proper accountability of drugs, and inefficiency in the distribution system by enabling rapid matching of the drug supply with the high demand through online sales, proper accountability of drugs and drug distribution. The system was developed using the waterfall model of the system development life cycle critically looking at each phase of development until the system was completed. The research methodology used was a mixture of qualitative and quantitative approaches which called for data collection tools such as questionnaires, observation guides and internet journals as well as Microsoft excel and SPSS for data analysis