Product Positioning and Business Success; A case study of Mukwano Group of Companies.

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Kampala International University, College of Economics and Management Sciences .
The purpose of the study was to establish the relationship between product positioning and business success at Mukwano group of companies. It was based on four research objectives. Establishing the product positioning strategies used by Mukwano group of companies, Examining the extent of business success at Mukwano group of companies; Establish other factors affecting business success at Mukwano group of companies and assessing the relationship between product positioning and business success in Mukwano group of companies. The study employed correlation des igns based on both qualitative and quantitative research approaches. The study also employed a sample population of I 00 respondents who were employees of Mukwano group companies, this were interfaced with the use of a research questionnaire. The findings were that Mukwano group of companies employ positioning strategies with the majority accounting for User product positioning (30%), Positioning by price and quality 15% respondents, Positioning by class had 12%, Using product characteristics I I% of the respondents and Cultural symbols positioning was recorded with I 0% .. It was found that Business at Mukwano group of companies is successful according to 65% of the respondents while 35% disagreed with 34% argued that business success is very high. Business success would be increased according to respondents through 50% of respondents who argued that there is need to intensify marketing while 21 % argued for improving product quality, 19% contend that branding need to be improved and I 0% were for Provision of necessary internal infrastructure. Capital for continuous funding cited as having majority agreement 3 1 %, 24% argued for a favorable political environment, highly skilled human resource had 17% of respondents, improved technology had 15 while 13% was recorded for weak competition. Mukwano group of companies provided that 63% of the respondent agreed that positioning contributes to business success in Mukwano group of companies. This is through informing customers on available goods with 37% agreement, out pacing competition had 23% responses; customer quality provision had 22% while differentiation of products had 18% .The study identifies an average business success, a minimal positioning of products, therefore recommend that healthy competition be encouraged among the team members at Mukwano group of companies, the need for customer satisfaction, Product d ifferentiation, Separating the overall product focus measure into its two-dimens ional components permits, technological adoption, tailoring a product or its marketing so that it stands out from the competition and people want to buy it, attempt to find their own path of progress by relying on strategies which allow them to access new markets and adopting effective brand Positioning is contingent upon identifying and communicating a brand's uniqueness, differentiation and verifiable value. The researcher recommended other areas of furher study as branding and business success, Product differentiation and business success and Product quality and business success.
A research report submitted to the College of Economics and Management as a Partial Requirement for the A Ward of the Degree of Bachelors of Business Administration-Marketing of Kampala International University.
Business Success, Product Positioning, Mukwano Group of Companies.