A critical and comparative study of financial services and their effect on customer level in financial institutions in Uganda: (case study of selected commercial banks in Uganda).
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Kampala International University, College of Economics and Management
In Uganda, commercial banks are !mown for their consequent and extraordinary profits that they
generate at the end of their accounting periods. The entrance of the foreign banks in the local
industry within the region posses a high level of competition that has made banks to constantly
come up with several and different financial products and services in order to maintain market
leadership or to take over the market leadership.
This research takes an investigative study of banks as financial institutions to be examined; this
is because they are the leading providers of financial products and services. The major banks
considered in this study are Kenya Commercial Bank (KCB), Barclays bank, equity bank , to
compare and analyze 1. The nature of financial products and services provided by financial
institutions in Uganda, 2. Determine the level of acceptability or imp01iance of financial
products and services to the consumer. 3. Asses the consumer's perception on the financial
products and services offered by the financial institutions, and 4. Evaluate the relationship
between financial products and the consumer.
The study adopted, a cross sectional research design and utilize both the open ended and close
ended questionnaires, and interview schedules as methods of data collection. The target
population of this study consisted commercial banks and their customers. The sample size
contained a population of 200 people this was to ensure the accuracy and the reliability of the
data. Three (3) banks were visited, four (4) senior managers per the selected bank interviewed,
ten (10) employees per bank interviewed and the rest (144) were customers of these banks.
Stratified and cluster sampling which was used considering the wide geographical area that
comprises Kampala city where the headqumiers of these banks are scattered.
The study was of benefit to the existing and incoming financial institutions within Uganda, it was
also of importance to the consumers of financial products and services e.g. credit cards and
private and coqiorate banking
Research project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the Award of Degree of Business Administration of Kampala International University.
Comparative, Financial services, Customer level, Commercial banks in Uganda).