Loan management information system case study of Ishaka famers' Sacco limited
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Kampala international international: School of computing and Information technology
The Loan Management Information System is a computerized database of financial information organized and programed in such way that it produced regular reports on operations for every level of management in a SACCO; it is usually also possible to obtain special reports form the system easily general objective of study was to design a loan management information system that could improve loan record handling and bring about timely Loan processing. The specific objectives of study were to investigate and gather data about the existing manual system being used at Ishaka Farmers SACCO Ltd, analyze the requirements for the new system. Develop a loan management information system for Ishaka Farmers' SACCO Ltd, test and implement the new system. After gathering the requirements, entity relation diagrams and dataflow diagrams were used to design the loan management information system. Microsoft Visual basic was used to create user interfaces and Microsoft Access was used to create the database. The loan management information system developed authenticates System users and enables them to capture and store loan records and client banking records, the system allows the users to view loan report and Client payment records, also the system calculates payment denominations for loans The loan management information system reduces a burden of over compiling of papers and the need for more shelves which reduce congestion in Ishaka Farmers' Sacco Ltd
A project report submitted to the faculty of Science and technology in partial fulfillment Of the requirements for the a ward of the Bachelors' degree in information Technology of Kampala International University
Information technology, Loan management information, System, Ishaka famers' Sacco limited