Bachelor’s Degree in Information Technology (BIT)

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    Identification and Mitigation of The Vulnerability of Web Applications In Institutions of Higher Education
    (Journal of Applied Sciences, Information and Computing, 2023-07) Sabo Muhammed, Muwanga Zake, V.S. Manjula and Auwal Saleh
    The security of information technology, specifically web applications, has become an area of concern today. Computer cybercrime is now a significant problem that affects more than just businesses and organizations. Higher education institutions also began to experience computer threats that revealed their information assets. Universities, polytechnics, colleges of education, research centers, and other postsecondary institutions are probably the most vulnerable because they house sensitive data on their faculty, staff, and students, as well as academic records of scientific and technological advancements and research. The first step in an information system security strategy is risk analysis management It helps in assessing the risk of information assets to know their security level or status, and assist in define a security control measures and implementation of technical plan to avoid threats that exploit some vulnerability that could cause severe damage to an asset or infrastructure of institutions higher education (IHEs). This article presents some recommendations to perform a risk analysis management in IHEs to accessed threats and vulnerability that helps to lower the risk of their information assets. This article presents existing educational threat and vulnerability on their web applications. Ensuring security is a goal of every organization regardless of its size or purpose and also proposed a risk management model. With the information technology, an organization may be considered secure when it ensures the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information and IT assets. Confidentiality may be broken due to theft of sensitive information such as trade secrets, clients’ personal information.
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    A centralized electronic medical records and billing system pediatric health care in government hospitals Theme:
    (Kampala international international: School of computing and Information technology, 2012-08) Jastus, Nuwagaba
    No abstract
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    A database management and inventory system: A case study of Christian Science Church Kampala
    (School of Computing and Information Technology, 2011-07) Mugabi, Raymond
    The purpose of this project is to develop a database management and inventory system for Christian Science Church (CSC). This will be used to meet the objectives of the system users. Observation, interviews, and studying of current system were carried out which enabled the researcher to get information from the sample population, secondary and primary sources of information were used. The findings indicate various reasons to use a database system like reducing costs. There were various recommendations put forward to guide in the proper use of the system to avoid any discrepancy that may arise. Despite an increase in the services offered and the number of members, it has not yet been supported by any automated system. The church uses manual systems
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    Design and development of a secure web based monitoring and evaluation system for community based funding: A case study Kalel Community Based Organization
    (School of Computing and Information Technology, 2011-01) Ng’asirmoi, Rosebellah
    This project is about monitoring and evaluation system for community based funding in Kalel community organization as a case study. This organization was running its monitoring and evaluation system manually and this had numerous shortfalls like inefficiency in record tracking, storing, record loss, duplication, errors, retrieval and manipulation of information when required. The researcher employed interviews and questionnaires as methods of data collections to conduct collection of information and opinions from the correspondents. Mysqi was used to create the kalel database and Macromedia Dream weaver to develop the web based monitoring and evaluation system for community based funding. In developing the system, system implementations were considered. The database design established a monitoring and evaluation system for easy input, processing, storage, monitoring and access to information as scheduled
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    Patient, employee monitoring and billing system; A case of Kiziba Community Hospital, Wakiso district
    (School of Computing and Information Technology, 2010-06) Mudondo, Irene; Nakakawa, Catherine
    This project was directed to designing and implementing a Database software that is capable of holding patients and employee information in Kiziba hospital so as to solve the problems and challenges they usually face when carrying out the diagnosis of patients at large, keeping track of all patients and employee records. It is also intended to provide the relevant security measures so that all unauthorized and unauthenticated users are denied access to the precious data and information about the patients and employees. This will force correctness, consistence and reliability or ease monitoring and billing for effective performance and management.