The role played by banking institutions in improving household incomes in Kampala district:

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Kampala International University, College of Economics and Management
The study was to examine the role played by banking institutions in improving household incomes in Kampala district: A case study of centenary bank Kabalagala branch. The study considered three objectives namely; to determine the employment opportunities created by . centenary bank, to establish the accessibility of credit facilities and soft loans offered by centenary bank and to establish the rate of saving with centenary bank. A descriptive cross sectional design with the use of qualitative and quantitative techniques was empl9yed where a sample size of77 respondents was selecte~ . . The findings indicated that 44.6% of the people who filled the questionnaires revealed that centenary bank clients' savings capacity has increased. These were as a result of many clients keeping money in banks and in return get interest on their savings and when withdrawals are made on savings, they can be invested in small scale and medium enterprise businesses for income generation. However, not all clients have succeeded in getting their savings rate high as indicated by the findings to enable them achieve their ambitions. The study recommends that banking institutions should be legitimately considered as one of the suitable means in the development effort as the transfer of an alien business to peasant farmers who evokes in the latter a sense of enthusiasm, which if properly directed could lead to more efficient utilization of resources, banking institutions should mobilize enough capital either from the Central bank or money markets if they are to survive the wind of change and banking institutions should consider themselves as organizations meeting economic needs, partial democracy, human resource development; social responsibility and International cooperation.
A Research report submitted to the college of economics and management sciences in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of Bachelor’s degree in Business administration of Kampala International University
Banking institutions, Household incomes, Centenary bank Kabalagala Branch, Uganda