The word of mouth, perceived service quality and trust on customer loyalty in the Freight Forwarding Industry in Uganda
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Kampala International University: College of Economics and management
The purpose of this study was to establish the relationship between word of mouth perceived service quality, trust and customer loyalty in freight forwarding industry. The study was guided by the following research objectives, to examine the relationship between word of mouth and customer loyalty, to examine the relationship between word of mouth and trust, to examine the relationship between trust and customer loyalty, to examine the relationship between perceived service quality and customer loyalty. There was need and desire to advocate for unsecured creditors, employees and tort victims to know the law governing corporate personality in order to have smooth running of business in Uganda. Many of the aforementioned were being victimized because they didn't know what was expected from the process doing business with companies and as well most companies did know how to handle certain issues regarding the remedies, entitlements of unsecured creditors, employees and tort victims in an unfortunate event of corporate insolvency. A combination of qualitative and quantitative methods was applied and data collected via interviews, questionnaires, observation and literature review. The study relied on both secondary sources and government publications related to corporate personality. Data were summarized and coded into themes and sub-themes from which conclusions and recommendations were drawn. Among the many peculiar findings included the, ignorance of unsecured creditors, employees and tort victims about the law governing corporate personality in Uganda and enforcement of their legally established remedies in the actual abuse of the corporate personality.
A dissertation submitted to the College of Economics and Management for the partial fulfillment of the requirement of the Award of Bachelor's Degree of Business Administration of Kampala International University
Word of mouth, Perceived service, Customer loyalty, Uganda