Design and implementation of an online voting system in selected developing countries; a case of the Republic of Uganda

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Kampala International University, School of Computing and Information Technology
Potential voters face difficulty when registering to be legitimate voters, some of these difficulties includes: the long distances to be traveled for registration process, the long queues at the registration sites, the short time duration provided for registration, updating and viewing the voter register. In an effort to make the voter registration and voting process easier, this project report outlines the designing and implementation of the online voting system based on current literature on voter registration and voting process, web security and latest software application. The online voting system allows the voter to register online and ensure the existence of his/her name on the voter register. Furthermore, it allows the voter to cast his/her vote and check for election results updates. Although the online voting system focused on the Uganda Electoral Commission (UEC), it is important to note that it can be implemented for other electoral commissions in other democratic countries worldwide. The online voting system was evaluated and validated in terms of usability and feasibility. The online voting system is both usable and feasible, though fixes are recommended to meet the limitations. Trends in the quantitative data and logical inference based on the context of the evaluation suggest that the online voting system might help the UEC to produce more accurate voting process.
A project report submitted to the College of Applied Science and Technology in partial fulfillments of the requirements for the award of a Bachelor degree of Information Technology of Kampala International University
Online voting system, Developing countries, Uganda