Bachelor's Degree in Social Sciences

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    The impact of UPE on the academic performance in primary schools in Nabweru sub-county Wakiso district
    (Kampala International University,College of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2007-10) Womunga, Charles; Womunga, Charles
    This study was carried out in schools of Nabweru Sub County, Wakiso district; to find out the impact of the Universal Primary Education (UPE) on the academic performance of the pupils in primary schools since 1996 - 2006. The researcher intended to:- 1. Establish the methods teachers use while assessing the performance of the pupils in primary schools. 11. What problems teachers face in carrying out the assessment of the pupils' academic performance? m To find out the attitude of the stake holders towards the academic performance of the learners in UPE schools. The academic performance of the learners in UPE primary schools has not been all that excellent due to methods used and low supply of resources to the beneficiaries and lack of enough well trained teachers to handle the above noble cause. Since the teachers are important elements in improving the academic performance of the learners, the study adopted the research methods in which the questionnaires and the interviews were used to collect data. According to the findings of the study, show that teachers use different methods of assessing pupils' performance in primary schools, it was found out that 60% of the teachers use testing method compared to other methods. It was also revealed that 72% of teachers experience some problems while assessing the learners' performance in Nabweru Sub County. It was also revealed by the head teachers that, the policy has had an impact on the performance of the learners through the following: By training more teachers, giving capitation and facilities grants to UPE primary schools in order to improve on the quality of education hence good performance. The findings revealed that the policy has reduced illiteracy, early marriage, increased number of the girls in schools i.e. the gender inequalities has been addressed.
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    The effects of domestic violence to the status of women in kisenyi ii parish - Kampala, central division.
    (Kampala International University,College of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2003-12) Zainab, Dauda
    Women and children make up the prime target of domestic violence. This study describes the effect of domestic violence on the status of women in Kisenyi 11 parish-Kampala Central Division. This dissertation is presented into two parts; first a quantitative of part of the questionnaire on the distribution of zoned responses, age and said effects ranking as felt by the women. Secondly, a qualitative analysis of the underlying needs from effects of domestic violence on the women investigated by questionnaire and interview. We found most of the women aged between 20-40 years most of them had partners with children. The most common effect of domestic violence physical injuries and maims 58. 7%, while death from such injuries was alarmingly 48% this was followed by divorce and diseases both at 41 % and resultant stress disorders was significant at 28%. Women confessed getting beset by frustrations 25%. While 21 % had suffered from STDs resulting from adultery, 20% were under psychological torture and quite a relative number 16% coil in shame and loss of respect from men's demeaning acts. Some women 13.3% recounted living under permanent fear, while 8% dreaded the loss of property due from domestic violence. Miscarriages accounted for 7% much as those resorting to drugs and those who lose their children to the streets no longer able to find any solace from the embattled homes. About 4% underwent abortion and a similar percentage was pushed to "Bobbitt' (cut the genitals of their errant partners) and others were constantly reprimanded. In severe cases women registered infertility 2. 7%.
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    Problem of Female Genital Mutilation in Narok District – Kenya: A Case Study of Maasai Mara, Narok District
    (Kampala International University, bachelors degree of social sciences, 2008-08) Kassim, Sarah Shamim
    A cross section study carried out on 20th April - 10th May 2007 in Maasai Mara District, Kenya. The study was to find factors that contribute rampant FGM: 90 respondents were interviewed both male and female of 10 and above years of age. The majority of the respondents 80 [89%] female had undergone FGM and the 10 [ 11 % ] had not undergone FGM; the majority of female respondents 40 [80%] support FGM while 8 [17%] were against. The study found that most male respondents 19 [59%] are against FGM, while less than half 13 [ 41 % ] support it, the reasons cited are culture 6 [26% ], need for FGM [17%], forces 5 [26%] as said that FGM makes a woman acceptable for marriage. Eradication of FGM girl child education should be strict in the whole community at least to complete O' Level, also community education so as to enlighten them about the dangers that arise associated with FGM. Health workers should be warned as not to carry out procedures as many do for money. Tradition women "surgeons" should be helped to get other ways of earning, discourage the practice in the community or else be held responsible. Men also should be encouraged to play a role by marrying uncircumcised woman to reduce this contributing factor.
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    Media strategies and their influence in communicating information on female genital mutilation: a case of Sabiny Community in Kapchorwa District
    (Kampala International University.College Of Humanities and social science, 2018-09) Daphine Beatrice, Agwang
    Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) or female circumcision is one of the traditional practices whose origins can be traced to ancient times. In uganda, the prevalence vaiies widely ainong ethnic groups . . Uganda Demographic Survey (2009) shows it is nearly universal amongst people in districts like Kween (97%), Kapchorwa (92%) and Nakapiripirit (93%) women. It is also common in Amudat (62%), (48%), Bukwo (44%) and Pokot (42%). Levels ai·e lower among 1K (23%), Kamwenge (27%). This study sought to establish the influence of media strategies in c01m11w1icating infonnation about female genital mutilation. The study was guided by the following specific objectives: (I) to establish the influence of using media atnbassadors (2) to detenuine the influence of using local language (3) to examine the influence of public participation in media programs in communicating infonuation about female genital mutilation effectively sabiny community ofKapchorwa Distiict. The study adopted a descriptive Survey approach to reseai·ch; using primary data for both quai1titative ai1d qualitative at1alysis. The data was collected by use of questiom1aires and interviews guide. The population for this study was the] 05.867 according to the national census of 2014, with a sample size of 96, although the researcher collected 120 responses. The reseai·cher adopted s.'ratified random sampling technique in Kapchorwa district. Pw-posive sampling was used to identify the households to select with the help of the administi·ative officers and also the key informants whom administrative officers, the study used stratified rai1dom. Quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics while qualitative data was analyzed using content analysis. Con-elation analysis revealed that media ainbassadors and local lai1guage were positive and statistically significai1t in influencing effective commwrication. Conversely, the at1alysis revealed that public patticipation was not statistically significant in influencing effective commwrication. The study concluded that media ainbassadors influenced effective connnwrication of FGM infonnation. Tlris implies that more involvement o,f media ambassadors in anti FGM cainpaigns would improve effective c01ru11W1ication of FGM information. The study also concluded that local languages influenced effective commwrication of FGM inf01mation. This inlplies that more use of local language in ai1ti FGM can1paigns would improve effective commwrication of FGM infom1ation. Fw-ther, the study concluded and public participation do not influence effective commwrication. It can be concluded that media sti·ategies have a key role to play in commwricating ai1ti- FGM info1111ation among the sabiny c01mnwrity in kapch01wa.
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    The socio-demographic effects of HIV/AIDS on women in Acholi Sub Region
    (Kampala International University.College Of Humanities and social science, 2010-05) Opio, Kipwola Alice
    This study investigated the soc10 demographic effects of HIV/AIDS on women living with HIV/AIDS in Acholi Sub region, northern Uganda. The specific objective was to explore the socio-demographic burdens of HIV/AIDS on women and to examine gender roles that render women vulnerable to HIV/ AIDS, then find out coping strategies of women affected and Infected with HIV/AIDS in the community in order to come up with a helpful generalization for people affected by and infected with HIV/ AIDS in Acholi sub region. The study utilized primary data, collected from a sample of I 00 women from Acholi Sub region both Affected and Infected with HIV/ AIDS targeting 6 sub counties estimated to be having high HIV prevalence rate hence forth representing the whole of northern region. Data was collected using a semi-structured questionnaire and analyzed in SPSS program. It was found out that HIV/ AIDS has had a significant impact on Women in Acholi Sub region but differ according to residence, marital status, employment status and the number or children ever born. In this regard this is an important study in promoting gender roles in the light against HIV impacts. The study recommended that women living with HIV/AIDS be trained and provided with Income generating Activities coupled with a number of follow ups for progress.