An investigation into the cause of women empowerment in the development of Padyere county-Nebbi district

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Kampala International University, College of Humanities and Social Sciences
This study was qualitative in nature, investigating the cause of Women Empowerment on Development in Padyere county-Nebbi District. Its objective was to determine the challenges faced by the women in accessing education, to examine the factors for the high infant mortality, to find out the factors leading to low use of family planning, and to assess the strategies being used to empower women in Padyere County Nebbi District. There are various challenges faced by the women in accessing education such as negative cultural practices, early pregnancy/marriage, and poverty, high burden of domestic work and negative attitude of some girls towards education. Infant mortality is attributed to the high incidence of diseases like malaria which accounts for 40% pneumonia, 5% and diarrhea, 4% Other factors like poverty, low response to medical treatment and preference for witchdoctors' treatment which in most cases do not offer quality results account for 51 % as a result, there is shorter life expectancy. The low use of family planning is due to the limited awareness among the people. 6.6% of the respondents had no knowledge of family planning while some methods are unpopular. In addition, limited support for family planning by some men is another factor for the low use of family planning. There are various women empowerment strategies being used such as promotion of women education as 48.9% of the educated respondents were females, provision of loans to the women though constraints like high interest rates were identified. In addition, the favorable legal reform gives the women the opportunity to participate in politics. If Development is to be improved, there is need for massive sensitization of the people on women and gender issues, about the importance of prompt medical treatment and family planning Besides, Microfinance Institutions should lower the rate of interest charged on loans to encourage the women access their successful economic empowerment.
A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Social Science as a partial fulfillment for the Award of a Degree in Social Work and Social Administration of Kampala International University.
empowerment, development, women