An interactive, high speed sales and advertising application for a sales terminal : a case study of man about town a gents boutique

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Kampala International University, School of Computing and Information Technology
This project research is mainly based on developing a high speed sales and advertising application. It track sales, enters customization data, calculate amount payable, and produce reports on the different transaction stages. Data is entered into the database using the input forms of customer’s registration. The context diagram as shown in the later chapters will show how data flows in the database and the attributes connected to the entities. Data management should be given first priority and Database Management will put this into effect by user to achieve their full potential and objectives. “Any sufficient advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” Arthur C. Clarke
A research report submitted to the School of Computer Studies in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of Bachelors of Information Technology of Kampala International University
Interactive, high speed sales, Advertising application, Sales terminal