The Influence of Cultural Leaders on Socio-Economic Transformation in Uganda. A Case of Makindye Division, Kampala
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Kampala International University. College of Humanities and social sciences.
Cultural leadership is crucial to realizing any huge-step taken in pursuit of
socio-economic transformation, anywhere in the world Uganda is not an
exception and is generally believed that socio-economic transformation and
development is not the sole responsibility of government alone, Especially in
situations where government fails in its duties to promote development.
Development efforts are initiated and carried out by communities at the
local levels to complement government efforts. There is the feeling among
Ugandans that positive leadership remains vague in the country especially
in the area of local administration and management of resources without
full participation of cultural institutions (Ssekabira, 2005). Identification
and nurturing of positive cultural leadership is key to ensuring socio
economic transformation at the grassroots where the majority of people live
and is seen as the cradle of development (UNESCO, 2001). As a result of
Uganda’s ethnic diversity, perceptions of culture tend to be fragmented and
‘ethnic culture’ prevails, as opposed to a national notion. In the absence of a
single common language, national identity, or combined cultural thinking,
dealing with issues of culture is perceived as a sensitive and enormous task
by so many Ugandans. Sometimes, culture is perceived as a hindrance to
socio-economic development and some cultural leaders are being seen as
primitive and irrelevant to socio-economic contexts because they support
traditional rituals and practices especially those considered oppressive like
witchcraft and inheritance of widows while positive aspects like community
labour, the spirit of community responsibility and accountability and
informal moral education are rarely recognized. Hence cultural leaders still
have a huge duty to play as all these stimulate social and economic
development (Cathrine, 2005). This can only be realized if the right caliber
of leadership is able to harness and utilize available resources for the growth
and development at the grassroots level. It is therefore along with this
background that the researcher has been compelled to conduct this study to
investigate the influence of cultural leaders on socio-economic
transformation in Makindye Division, Kampala Uganda.
A Research Proposal Submitted To The College Of Humanities And Social Sciences In Partial Fulfillment Of The Requirements For The Award Of A Bachelor Of Social Work And Social Administration Of Kampala International University.
Cultural Leaders, Socio-Economic Transformation