Corporate Strategy and Financial Performance Industry in Uganda:
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Kampala International University, College of Economics and Management
The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of strategic planning on the
performance of banks in Uganda with reference to the operations of equity bank.
Secondary and Primary data was utilized in this study. Secondary data was
obtained from reviewing text books, publications, financial records and internal
records of equity bank. Primary data was gathered with the aid of questionnaires.
One hundred and sixty (160) questionnaires were sent to employees of the equity
bank and one hundred and forty (140) responses were obtained representing a
response rate of 87.5%. The results of the administered questionnaires showed a
fairly high level of agreement for the features of the various dimensions of an
effectively managed bank. However, this study showed that structures put in place
for bottom-up information flow were not known to all employees. This study also
showed that employees were either ignorant about program evaluation or there
was a clear disregard for program evaluation at equity bank. The researcher
recommends that all factors of the various dimensions should be put into the right
perspective so as to help the general workforce of the bank to understand the
main objectives and strategic plans in place to achieve the objectives of equity
bank. Lastly, it is recommended that, the bank develops quarterly meetings at the
zonal level to provide employees the opportunity to be heard on matters relative
to strategic planning practices at equity bank
A research report Submitted to the College of Economics and Management Science in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Award of Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration (Banking and Finance) of Kampala International University Kampala
Corporate Strategy, Financial Performance Industry, Uganda