Contribution of functional adult literacy on community development in Mpumudde Sub county, Lyantonde district, Central Uganda
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College of Humanities and Social Sciences
This research report presents a report on a study which sought to examine the extent of the contribution of Functional Adult Literacy Programme on community development i.e. improvement in the socioeconomic lives of the beneficiaries of the programme. Data was collected from 50 beneficiaries of the functional literacy classes in the Lyatonde District central Uganda using an Interview Guide, questionnaire and focus group discussion on the contribution of Functional Adult Literacy Programme on beneficiaries. The results of the study established a relationship between participation in the functional literacy classes and improvement in social and economic lives of beneficiaries of the programme. The results showed that beneficiaries of the functional literacy classes could read, write and do numerical calculations to some appreciable extent at the time of their completion of the course and this helps them in their trading activities. — Furthermore, it was found that beneficiaries of the literacy classes had become conscious of the need to improve upon their health status. The research report makes recommendations for improvement of the Functional Literacy Programme in Uganda.
A research report submitted to the College of Humanities and Social Sciences in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of bachelor’s degree of Social Work and Social Administration of Kampala International University
Functional adult literacy, Community development, Mpumudde Sub county, Lyantonde district