Civil war and poverty enhancement of selected internal displaced people (idp) camps in Mogadishu Somalia
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Kampala International University. College of Humanities and Social Sciences
This study was set out to establish the effects of civil war on enhancing poverty
of selected IDP camps in mogadishu. The aim of this study was to identify the effect of
Somali civil war on the basic needs (food, shelter and clothing), education and
healthcare and sanitation of selected IDR comps in Mogadishu. The study was carried
out in Mogadishu, the capital city of Somalia. In terms of time the study was limited to
eleven months September 2010 to July 2011.
The study employed a descriptive research design to identify the effects of civil
war on enhancing poverty of selected IDP camps in Mogadishu. The population of the
study consisted of one hundred and forty one respondents (141) from five Selected IDP
camps regarding their position, experience and qualifications. The study employed
both purposive sampling technique and simple random sampling. Questionnaire tool
was administered to collect quantitative data from the selected respondents, besides
greater convenience in the context of time, stability, uniformity and consistency.
The finding of the research indicates that there is an increase in the prices of staple
food during conflicts, an increases in transaction costs caused by difficulties in accessing
exchange markets when roads, train lines and other infrastructure is destroyed.
Respondents strongly judge that civil war causes the absence of a well-trained and
adequately-paid workforce required by the health care systems.
The government should prepare camps such that the people who were displaced
from their homes may get shelter, education and health care. Nongovernmental
organization and civil society organization should confirm a proper implementation of
the projects intended for helping the internal displaced people in Mogadishu. The local
community should support and provide any effort aimed to restore the hope of the IDPs
in Mogadishu. The international community should enforce that protection for internal
displaced people are often different than for the refugees.
A Thesis Presented to the School of Postgraduate Studies and Research
Kampala International University Kampala, Uganda in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Arts in Development Studies
Civil war, Poverty enhancement