Effects of savings on the financial performance of microfinance institutions in Uganda : a case study Centenary Bank, Kabalagala Branch
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Kampala International University, College of Economics & Management
The sv&earcls as.sessec( the eject of savings on ike financial performance of microfinance institutions in L%uncla tcihiiis C’entenaiy Bank as (lie case studj~ it was guided by three objectives ii iiicli required examining the level of i11’Ys in respect to savings mobilization; exploring the strategies employed by MFIs to increase the level ofsavings; and establishing the relationship between savings and performance of MFIs in Kabalagaia. The study used census and purposive sa,npling techniques to draw representative samples and a sample size of 20 respondents was involved in the study~ and selfadministered questionnaires were used to obtain mv.sponse. L...dag this research data ;i’as carefully collected, classj/icd amid analyzed using fiwjuency tables and percentages were used to determine reliability offindings.
A Research report submitted to the College of Economics and Management in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration of Kampala International University
Savings, Financial performance, Microfinance Institutions, Uganda, Centenary Bank, Kabalagala Branch