Factors Associated With Diarrheal Disease among Children: A Major Cause of Deaths in Developing Countries

Diarrhea remains the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in children under 5 years old worldwide. The burden is disproportionately high among children in low- and middle-income countries. Many studies have established that the diarrhea prevalence is higher in younger children, 6-11 months, and boys than girls. Some studies have revealed that children not washing hand before meals or after defecation, mothers not washing hands before feeding children or preparing food, children eating with their hands rather than with spoons, eating of cold leftovers, dirty feeding bottles and utensils, unhygienic domestic places were associated with risk of diarrhea morbidity in children. In general, the morbidity of diarrhea is lowest in exclusively breast-fed children; it is higher in partially breast-fed children, and highest in fully-weaned children. The preventive practices according to WHO include; breast feeding, improved weaning, use of plenty of water for hygiene and clean water for drinking, hand washing, use of latrines, proper disposal of the stools of young children and immunization against measles, exclusive breast feeding during the first 4- 6 months greatly reduces the risk of severe or fatal diarrhea and the risk of other serious infections are also reduced.