The effect of gender issues on the academic performance of learners in schools: a case study of Lodwar district, Kenya

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Kampala International University, College of Humanities and Social Sciences
The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the gender issues on the academic performance of learners in selected schools of Lodwar district in Kenya. Specific objectives of the study was to: examine the impact of gender on academic performance of learners in schools in Lodwar district and to examine strategies used by schools to improve on the academic performance of the girls and boys in schools. This chapter presents the methodological aspects. It describes the research design sampling design. Study area and sample research procedures. data collection instruments, data analyzed and limitations of the study The methods used for data collection were face to face interviews, carried out on to parents: Questionnaire distribution to students and teachers. Observation was done on the state of the learners. The findings revealed by 70% of the respondents that gender issues affect the performance of the learner’s negatively. 58% of the respondents also revealed that majority of the learners in the schools arc boys. According to 70% of the respondents most of the schools had gender biasness in all the resources used by the learners. 80% of the respondents revealed that poverty has greatly affected the performance of the learners. To ensure quality, the study recommended that the government should step in to see that all children are taken to school both girls and boys. The parents and the community should be sensitized on the importance of educating all their children both boys and girls. The government non-government organizations, publishers, and curriculum developers should work hand in hand to produce gender sensitive books, which will change the attitude and stereotype thinking. This paper intended to investigate gender differences in the academic ethnic and academic achievement among students. The data collected from students and teachers, was through the survey method. A recommendation to the NGOS is that can play an effective role in assisting the State to complement the public education system and to improve its effectiveness. As various survey revealed that the experimental approaches of the NGOs have successfully tackled many shortcomings in schooling. The Government of Kenya should create an atmosphere of NGO-Govt. alliance to achieve universal primary education as an urgent need. Parents should provide all support (financial, moral emotional) to their children irrespective to gender enhance their academic performance.
A dissertation submitted to Kampala International University College of Humanities and Social Sciences in partial fulfillment for the award of a Bachelor degree in Development Studies of Kampala International University
Gender, Academic performance, Kenya