Micro finance institutions and poverty alleviation: a case study Thur Village Savings and Credit Cooperatives Society, Abim Sub County Abim District
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Kampala International University, College of Economics and management
This report is about MFis and poverty alleviation in the rural communities of Thur village of Abim Sub County, Abim District. The objectives for the study were to establish the relationship between interest rates, immediate benefits, loan amounts, grace periods and poverty alleviation. The research was based on analytical design to establish the relationship between the study variables. It used secondary data obtained from journals, textbooks and bulletins among others. The information was presented and interpreted in view of the available literature. The researcher found out that there exist a positive relationship between micro finance institutions and poverty alleviation for instance the findings revealed that MFis have to a certain extent contributed to poverty alleviation through extension of micro credit to the rural people. In view of the above, the researcher recommended that in order to reap the full benefits of MFis, the government, policy makers and other stakeholders must assemble and discuss, understand the operations of MFis.
A dissertation submitted to the School of Business Administration and Management in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Award of a Bachelors Degree of Business Administration of Kampala International University
Micro finance institutions, Poverty alleviation, Thur Village Savings and Credit Cooperatives Society, Abim District, Uganda