Online ticket booking system case study (Uganda National Theater)
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Kampala International University, College of Computing and Information Technology
This report describes how ticket booking is done in Uganda National Theater, their problem statements and by reviewing the literature on existing online ticket booking system in order to acquaint with the available body of knowledge in our area of interest. The report gives a detailed study of the types of electronic payment systems used as mode of payment. Today more and more people are relying on information technology to perform their operations more efficiently. Computers are put to more use as tools of commerce, governance and education
and they can no longer be looked at as luxury items. It is in the process of establishing information technology department in an effort to computerize its operations and service delivery to the public.It is better at this time for the Uganda National Theater to come up with an online system that can make booking of tickets easy as part of improving operations and service delivery. The system study found that the existing system (manual) was very slow, prone to errors and hard to quickly generate integrated reports for fast decision-making. This project has developed an online system alternative for tickets booking. Users can book tickets online which makes the processes easier and fast.
A report submitted to the college of applied science and technology in the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of Bachelor of Information Technology of Kampala International University
Online ticket, booking system, Uganda National Theater