Knowledge attitude and practice of Boda-Boda riders towards the use of helmets in Ishaka Bushenyi District

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Kampala International University; School of Health Sciences
Back ground Motorcyclists arc particularly vulnerable, making up 23% of all road traffic deaths (xuequen there are 27.4 traffic deaths per I 00,000 people every year in Uganda. It is higher in Kenya at .2 1J. 1. Rwanda 32. I and Tanzania 32.9 (World Health Organization, 2015) wearing helmet was the necessary and helmet reduced head injury in case of accidents. (Galukande, Jombwe. Fualal. And Ciakwaya. 20 10). The study done in Nigeria whereby it was found that majority of participants acknowledged the benefits of helmet which implied that respondents were aware of the benefits of the helmet. There was poor helmet use as reported by (Bachani et al., 20 13) Despite the Awareness, it is not clear why boda boda cyclists are reluctant in helmets use in Uganda ( Nuddumba. 2008). Aims and objectives: The study was intended to assess the Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of boda-boda riders towards the use of helmets in Ishaka town Bushenyi district. Methodology: A cross sectional descriptive study design was used and data was collected in September 2017 from 2nd to 10111 using questionnaires distributed to boda boda cyclists with both open and used ended questions up to a sample of population of 80 respondents. Results: 08% of' the boda riders in Ishaka town have knowledge about helmet us its benefits when it should be used and the qualities of a good helmet as well. (79%) strongly agreed that helmets arc beneficial, majority (84%) of the riders use helmets whenever riding and 55’ XJ or they provide helmets to their passengers Conclusion: The study therefore revealed that motorists in Ishaka Bushenyi have knowledge. Good attitude and they practice helmet use although with a few gaps
A research report submitted to the Department of Allied Health as a requirement in partial fulfillment of the Award of Diploma in Clinical Medicine and Community Health of Kampala International University Ishaka
Knowledge attitude, Practice of Boda-Boda riders, Use of helmets, Bushenyi District, Uganda