A mobile application to enable users to view bus schedules and extend bus booking and reservation services

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Kampala International University, College of Computing and Information Technology
The research focused on creating a mobile and web-based application to enable People access reservation services for Gagga bus company. This shall help people avoid time wasting as they could plan their journey well with no risk of missing a seat in a particular bus. Constant missing of buses travelling to distant places across East Africa due to poor timing of the passengers was the major problem that led the researcher to conduct this project. The researcher created the Traveller mobile application that would help in solving the problem of providing transport services. In this project, the researcher used Waterfall Methodology, In this methodology, the researcher used techniques such as Data flow diagrams ,UML Techniques and prototyping, to come up with the system requirements. The requirements analysis, testing and modeling techniques such as Use cases, ER Diagrams and sequence diagrams were used by researchers to model the functionality of the system. On the testing of the system, researcher used unit testing, system integration testing and usability testing. Researcher used Android as the platform to develop the Mobile application and also researcher used Web application developments tools and languages such as PHP, My SQL, and Query to develop the web application.
A project report submitted to the college of applied sciences and technology in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of bachelor of science in information technology at Kampala International University
Mobile application, Bus booking