Evaluation of knowledge and use of oral contraceptives among women aged between 18 to 35 years attending antenatal clinic at Lira Regional Referral Hospital
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Kampala International University, School of Health Sciences- Western Campus
Background: The urgent need for family planning was projected to change from 142 million in
2015 to 143 million in 2030, due to growth in the number of married or in-union women of
reproductive age. Thus this study was aimed at evaluation of knowledge and use of oral
contraceptives among women aged between 18 to 35 years attending ANC at LRRH.
Methodology: A cross-sectional survey design was used and the target population were women
aged between 18 to 35 years attending ANC at LRRH. A sample size of 144 respondents were
used in the study. Data was collected from respondents with help of questionnaires and
interviews were conducted in case one could not understand English. Data was entered in SPSS,
analysed and presented in forms of tables.
Results: A greater number of patiicipants were aged 30-35 years and 18-23 years that is
62(43.1%) and 60(41.7%) respectively; many 70(48.6%) were Langi; 81(56.3%) were single;
Lastly many patiicipants 51(35.4%) were of secondary level and 44(30.6) were of tertiary and
college level. majority 116(80.6%) preferred using pills and only 28(!9.4%) never preferred
using pills. The main reason why women preferred pills was because it is easy to use. 49(34.0%)
thought pills are safe to use, 60(41.7%) never thought they are safe and 35(24.3%) didn't know.
Majority 91 (63.2%) feared the side effects of pills. With many 36(25.0%) believing pills cause
infertility, 20(13.9) believed it causes hormonal disturbance, 18(!2.5%) believed it causes uterine
cancer and 11 (7.6%) said it causes breast cancer. Majority 101 (70.1 %) had ever stopped using
pills with many 51 (50.5%) of them saying it was because of its side effects, 20(19.8%) stopped
using pills because they are ineffective, and 11(18.8%) said they are difficult to use. Majority
47(32.6%) were recommended by physician to use pills.
Conclusion: In conclusion, many women prefer using pills (OCs), though many women again
stop using them because of their side effects such as headache, mood swings, irritability and
weight gain. To start using OCs many women were recommended by physicians. Religiously,
sexual intercourse and marriage is for procreation (giving birth) thus religions are against use of
OCs though for families with children there no clear prohibitions against use of oral
contraceptives (OCs). Identified factors affecting use of OCs were age, having history of side
effects and education level.
A Research report submitted to the school of pharmacy in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of Bachelor of pharmacy of Kampala International University-Western Campus
Oral contraceptives, Women aged between, Lira Regional Referral Hospital