Design And Implementation Of An Optimized Video Based E-Learning Management System For Nightingale School Of Comprehensive Nursing.

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Kampala International University, School of information systems and Information Technology
The project covers the design and implementation of a prototype for an optimized video based E-learning management system for Nightingale school of comprehensive nursing. The project was given to us by research co-coordinator to do as a task for our graduation project for a Degree level. The literature review was based on related textbooks and some sites from the internet, from which relevant information extracted was useful to the development of this project. The rest of the chapters were written basing on the website system development life cycle .Planning and analysis phase of the project involved a detailed study and initial consideration of measures set to build the new system. The analysts did a lot of consultations and close interaction with the system users to ensure it meets the user specification. The design and development of the system was done basing on provided specifications of the clients. The system is made to suit the purpose for which it’s meant .It involved the creation of a login and user registration forms respectively to access the registration form and the user enters details, which is developed in PHP for applications. And a back end data source to store all users (students’) records that is developed using MYSQL database. On completion of the system design, we the designers recommended future re-development based on critical areas that they strongly agitate to the company to include,in order to improve on the efficiency of the system. They suggested that more effective and complex databases be used for the improvement, to meet the ever increasing students’ demands and ensure effective security measures. Testing and implementation of the system was done in the university computer labs ,to ensure that the system was effective and ready for usage. Evaluation of the system was also carried out to establish consistency. Errors found were rectified and the system was recommended for use under systems monitoring to clients for a short period to enable the designers fix any problem that would arise thereafter. For future modification of the system, an extract of the program code was included in the appendix for use by a system designer and programmers
A Graduation Project Report Submitted To The School Of Computer Studies In Partial Fulfillment Of The Requirements For The Award Of Bachelor Of Information Systems And Information Technology Of Kampala International University
Design And Implementation Of An Optimized Video Based E-Learning Management System