Acquisition and management of serials in selected academic libraries in Edo state of Nigeria
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University of Dar es Salaam Library
This study investigated acquisition and management of serials in academic libraries in Edo State of Nigeria. Four (4) research objectives were formulated for this study. These were to: determine how serial collections are acquired in the selected academic libraries in Edo State of Nigeria; investigate how serials are organized for easy retrieval in the selected academic libraries in Edo State of Nigeria; find out how serials are preserved in the selected academic libraries in Edo State of Nigeria; and solicit solutions for improving the management of serials in the selected academic libraries in Edo State of Nigeria. The study adopted a descriptive research design. The study targeted a total of 14 (fourteen) academic libraries in Edo State from which a sample of 173 respondents was generated using a total enumeration sampling technique. The study used a structured questionnaire; the copies were completed and returned by 57.8% of the respondents. Data collected were analyzed using frequency counts, percentages (%), mean (X), and standard deviation (SD) to meet the study’s objectives. The study’s results have revealed that academic libraries in the study area acquire serials through various methods and use various means to organize them for easy retrieval. The libraries also use various methods to preserve their serials. Regarding improving serial management, the study findings have come up with a number of ways to do so. Based on the findings, the study recommends among others that academic curriculum should be enriched with serial skill acquisition and management contents; and academic libraries should consider acquiring more e-serials because it is very easy to manage and do not get damaged.
Peer Reviewed Article
Idhalama, O.U. & Obi, A.I. (2019). Acquisition and management of serials in selected academic libraries in Edo State of Nigeria. University of Dar es Salaam library journal. 14(1) 68-81