New marketing technologies and customer relationship management: a case study of Vodafone Uganda central region located in kololo acacia avenue Kampal

dc.contributor.authorBaluka, Suzan
dc.descriptionA research report submitted to the College of Economics and Management in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of a Bachelor’s Degree in Business of Kampala International Universityen_US
dc.description.abstractThis study sought New Marketing Technologies and Customer Relationship Management: a case study of Vodafone Uganda central region located in Kololo Acacia Avenue Kampala, This study intends to assess new marketing technologies and Customer relations management in Vodafone Uganda, with the following specific objectives, (i) To establish the impact of the new marketing technologies used by Vodafone, Uganda. (ii) To establish the different forms of customer relationship management used by Vodafone Uganda. (iii) To find out whether there is a relationship between new marketing technologies and customer relationship management in Vodafone Uganda. The researcher used both a descriptive cross sectional survey design which included both qualitative and quantitative method of data collection, the quantitative method was used to collect numerical data in form of numbers representing particular facts or measurements which helped the researcher to obtain information from respondents in depth. From the Findings Data analysis that was done using SPSS’s descriptive statistics it was found out that female were the majority respondents as represented by 90 (or 51.1%) as regards to gender. In regard to respondents’ age, 84 (or 47.7%) respondents were in the age bracket of 30 - 39 years, 50 (or 28.4%) which dominated the study and Concerning the level of education, respondents with certificate were the majority that is 84 (or 47.7%), Regarding the position held by respondents, registered Clearing and forward agents/enrolled Clearing and forward agents dominated the sample with 94 (or 53.41%), Lastly in regard to working experience, 94 (or 53.41%) respondents had served for a period of 7-8 years. This indicates that all respondents had knowledge and experience about the study since the majority served the organization for relatively a long period of time. From the conclusion it indicates that Customer relationship management has been seen as a crucial organizational capability to enhance competitive advantage (Woojung et al., 2010). This study has drawn attention to the importance of the relationship between CRM and firm performance in the frieight forwarder service context. From the recommendation of the study Customer relationship management suffers when it is poorly understood, improperly applied, and incorrectly measured and managed. This study reveals the combination~ of investment commitments in human, technological and business capabilities required to create a superior Customer Relationship Management capability. Future studies should seek to consider Customer Relationship Management enablers such as organizational structure and organizational culture.en_US
dc.publisherKampala International University, College of Economics and Managementen_US
dc.subjectmarketing technologiesen_US
dc.subjectcustomer relationshipen_US
dc.titleNew marketing technologies and customer relationship management: a case study of Vodafone Uganda central region located in kololo acacia avenue Kampalen_US
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