Academic Performance of the Physically Handicapped in Regular Schools; A Case Study of Selected Primary Schools in Kaptama Zone, Mt.Elgon District, Kenya.
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Kampala International University, College of Education, Open and Distance Learning.
This study was intended 10 examine the challenges of Inclusion of children with physical
disabilities in regular primary' schools in Kaplama :::one, Kaptama division, Elgon District,
!,enya. All sorts o/secondwy data viewed necessary to the study were revisited and these gave
the researcher a clear picture of what the entire study was to entail,
!he .1//ld1· udop!ed u l)11u11tililtive research desi[!;,1. This enhanced the researcher to obtain a
hell a 11ndastu11cling of !he problems and impact o/ji-ee primm)' education on the quality of
special education for the physically disabled !earners in 1\ilt.E!gon District Kenya,
l)uestio111wires 11·ae adopted as the major instrumentsfiJr data col/eclion afier which data were
processed w1a~r:::ed and inleJ]Jreted. Infim11ation obtained fi·om the research study was
presented und unulvzecl using narratives, and statistical figures. This report provided
suggestions .fiJr more e//ectil'e approach lo physically disabled education in the co11nt1y. It is
d,·signcd !hr po!ic1· makers. plwmers and pruclilioners ll'ho have responsibilities in the area of
physical disabled education in Kenya.
A research project submitted to the Institute of Open
and Distance Learning in Partial Fulfillment of
the Requirements for the Award of a Degree
of Education in Special Needs Education of
Kampala International University.
Physically Handicapped, Academic Performance, Regular Schools, Primary Schools, Mt.Elgon District, Kenya