Teaching-Learning Engagements in Action at KIU: Sharing of Innovative Pedagogies that had been Tried and Tested in the Classroom the Creative Pedagogy Package (CPP) at postgraduate leve

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Kampala International University. Institute for Social Research
This creative and innovative teaching-learning strategy was recognized and shortlisted in the Reimagine Educations Awards 2015, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA from over 500 global competitors by a panel of distinguished international judges under the Teaching Delivery Category for its outstanding potential to improve pedagogy and employability in a higher education environment. Supporting documents to this entry were multi-colored power points of the Organizational Behavior (OB) course loaded with mobiles and sounds; learning outcomes assessment materials; on line links for self awareness on personality; motivation, emotional intelligence; multiple intelligence; motivation; decision-making and conflict management. The course taught was Organizational Behavior for PhD students since 2009 until now. The creative pedagogy techniques (CPTs) were employed during the regular semester, among over 20 PhD students, 6-9pm.
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Employability, Creative teaching, Higher education, Innovation