Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
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- ItemEffect of financial interest rates on small scale enterprises. a case study of Owino market in kisenyi flour millers in kampala city(Kampala international international: College of Economics and Management, 2004-08) Richard, Kaule JasonMy Study was based on financial institutions with reference to lending rates. The scope was mainly on small scale enterprises and the impact felt due to these rates. The method applied was both quantitative and qualitative in Owino Market and Kisenyi Flour Millers. The research was able to establish causes that lead to poor performance as high bank rates and lack of awareness of the Banking sector and its operations. It is therefore, recommended that banks harmonize their bank rates to attract high investment and conduct awareness seminars to build a strong foundation for small investments. In conclusion both banks and small scale investors are working at lower capacity than projected because of low borrowings and also small investments are suffering from liquidity problems because of the hardships in obtaining credit.
- ItemEffect of financial interest rates on small scale enterprises. A case study of Owino market in Kisenyi flour millers in Kampala city(Kampala International University, School of Business and Management, 2004-08) Kaule, Jason; Richard
- ItemThe dynamic challenge facing consumer behavior in an organization (case study Unilever Uganda )(Kampala International University,School of Business and Management, 2005-08) Kabyemera J., Dorin AThe study was can·ied out to establish the communication process used to the consumer by organization in Unilever Uganda. A survey was carried out using consumer marketers, employees, students of different universities. The study involved sixty (60) respondents of which 15 students, 1 manager, 2 appointed staff, 1 agent, 18 consumers, 20 others, and 3 key information. The research methods employed include a self-administered questionnaire key guide as an independent data collection followed by open interviews administered to administrators. The data collected presented in frequency counts and score tables calculated.
- ItemThe impact of competition on customer base in telecommunication industry (case study Celtel Uganda)(Kampala international University, College of Economics and Management, 2005-08) Ewongu, Douglas Dick
- ItemA study on the low quality work in the organization: a case of "pride" Africa – promotion of rural initiative and development enterprises (Pride) Kabalagala branch.(Kampala international international: College of Economics and Management, 2005-09) Yasser, Ddumba ArafatThe study was concerned with the causes of low quality work in the organization. A case study "PRIDE" AFRICA KABALAGALA BRANCH was conducted in the year 2004. The researcher used the following categories for subjects to obtain the necessary data: (i) The employees (ii) The personnel manager The researcher had the following objectives: (i) To find out whether lack of employees training and development can lead to low quality work. (ii) To find out whether pay structure as the way of motivation can lead to low quality work. (iii) To find out whether nonfunctional trade unions or absence of trade unions can lead to low quality work. (iv) To find out whether job description that is no covering employees can lead to low quality work. In order to fulfill this objectives, questionnaires and interviews were administered to the workers of "PRIDE" AFRICA as well as the personnel manager of "PRIDE" AFRICA Kabalagala Branch to elicit information on the causes of low quality work, even the researcher used the percentages to analyze the data collected. Recommendation on how to overcome the cause of low quality work in "PRIDE AFRICA were made. These recommendations may also apply to other organizations facing the same problem most especially the different branches of "PRIDE AFRICA i.e. Nakawa Branch, Mbale Branch, Jinja Branch.
- ItemCauses of failures of small business a case study of SMES in Kabalagala and Kansanga(Kampala International University(KIU), 2006) Muzanila, Ivona N.; Muzanila, Ivona N.; Muzanila, Ivona N.; Muzanila, Ivona N.
- ItemEvaluation of credit policy management and performance of micro-finance institutions in Uganda a case study of pride microfinance(Kampala International University(KIU), 2006) Tumusiime, Clare
- ItemEvaluation of the appropriateness and importance of budgetary planning and control process in Civil Aviation Authority(Kampala International University; College of Economics and management, 2006-01) Choge, Kipkoech R.Like most organization, CAA has been facing problems with its financial performance and this was attributed to poor adherence to Budget. This study sought to evaluate the importance and the appropriateness of the budgetary planning and control process, and the problem that occur on it. The researcher used structured questionnaires and personal interviews to collect primary data while review of literature was used for the ease of secondary data. Descriptive explanatory and tabulation approach was used to collect, organize, present, interpret and discuss data. In the study, several challenges on importance/ appropriateness of budgetary planning and control were identified. There include; some budgeting procedures are not followed like budget discussions and budget proposal are not done correctly. Nature of communication and coordination is good in top level, but top to middle and lower is very poor and it is usually top to down, and budget comparison arc not made and employees attitude arc poor due to lack of respect of their views. To redress these challenges, the recommendation made, to a great extent depend on organizations actions. The organization should come up with strong policies to adherence on budgeting planning and control procedures.
- ItemThe impact of tax defaulters on collection of revenue in Nakapiripirit town council "a case study of Nakapiripirit town council Nakapiripirit district local government(Kampala International University, College of Economics and Management, 2006-01) Nayor, Moses K. WilcoxThis research thesis focused on the topic, "The impact of tax defaulters on the collection of revenue in Nakapiripirit Town Council, was interested in finding out the impact of tax defaulters on revenue collection. The objective of the study was to determine whether there are other factors that influence revenue collection other than defaulting and to find out the impact of the tax defaulters on the collection of revenue in Nakapiripirit Town Council. The research question to guide the study was as follows; what is the effect of defaulters on the collection of revenue'! Are there other factors affecting revenue collection; Observation, Interviewing and Questionnaires. The researcher, therefore will apply the chi-square for testing the hypothesis using the formula below;
- ItemMarketing strategies: Case Study MTN Company submitted(Kampala International University, College of Economics and Management, 2006-02) Hillary, Toroitich K.
- ItemAn assessment of management of fixed asset case study: cooperative and Rular development bank (crdb) in Dar-es-salaam.(Kampala International University,College of Economics and Management, 2006-02) Janet, KuyanganaFixed Assets management has been a focus of many research studies because of its important to business entity. To meet the current competition in this globalized economy it is important for organizations to know how they can manage their capital resources in their possession. Because the organization continually searches for ways to increase possession. Because the organization continually searches for ways to increase provision of quality service to its customers, it is hoped that this study may offer some general insights. The purpose of this research project was to investigate the overall system of fixed assets management at the cooperative and rural development Bank (CRDB). The case study method was used. The data collection method comprised of structured and unstructured interview. 12 employees were randomly selected as a sample to represent the whole employees. The research questions were posted, and from which analysis carried out to arrive at a correct and meaningful conclusion. The result from interview acknowledged that assets are properly and effectively managed. The fact is that, there are some weaknesses on the capitalization of small items, effectiveness of disposal and storage of used assets. Several suggestions have been made to enhance the organization management of fixed assets at CRDB. These include, increase in budget allocation for capital investment, and adjust capitalization modality; improve assets storage and security: maintain regular maintenance and repairs of fixed assets and ensure timely and cost effective disposal of fixed assets.
- ItemThe effect of foreign exchange fluctuations on international businesses: Bamburi cement limited(Kampala international international, College of Economics and Management, 2006-02) Owino, Diana WaringaThis study was carried out between October 2005 and January 2006 in Bamburi Cement Limited. The research was done to analyze the methods used in foreign exchange risk management by international companies. The target population was the employees of the finance department of Bamburi Cement Limited. A total of twenty employees were interviewed. The study instrument used in data collection was the questionnaire. The study findings showed that the organization used only external methods of foreign exchange risk management. The study is divided into five chapters with chapter one stemming from the introduction to the significance of the study, chapter two is the literature review, chapter three the methodology, chapter four the interpretation and analysis of the findings and chapter five stems from the summary of the findings to the recommendations. In conclusion, this study was important because it revealed so many challenges especially of foreign exchange risk management that are faced by many multinational corporations, of which Bamburi Cement, is inclusive. It is on this basis that a comprehensive study has been conducted on the subject matter to guide other international organizations.
- ItemThe Effectiveness of Marketing Strategies As Practiced By Petroleum Companies:(Kampala International University: College of Economics and management, 2006-02) Rukia, Ali Sheikh
- ItemStock market and performance of brokerage firms in Uganda case Study: Mbea Brokerage Services (U) Limited(Kampala International University, College of Economics and Management, 2006-02) Munjua, Wairimu; MaryIn Uganda, as in very many developing countries around the world, financial markets are still very shallow, poorly developed and dominated by commercial banks. As a · result, there are few alternative sources of finances other than commercial bank loans. This has greatly contributed to the poor saving culture dominated by most Ugandans. Performance of Brokerage firms has equally been affected by the slow development of stock markets. The general objective of this study was to determine the development of stock market and its relationship to the performance of Brokerage firms in Uganda. This study was based in MBEA Brokerage Services (U) Limited. Its specific objectives included to determine, the profile of MBEA Brokerage Services Ltd, determine the degree to which stock market affect the level of performance of MBEA Broker<;Jge Services Ltd and analyze MBEA Brokerage services Ltd strengths, weakness, investment risks. The research design was a descriptive survey method. A sample of 30 respondents from four departments: finance and administration department, research department, portfolio department and personnel department were selected. The findings on performance of MBEA Brokerage Services Ltd was measured with regard to the effectiveness of the Capital Market Authority policies using a five point scale response and there was a slightly high level of effectiveness. The saving culture of the clients was measured by assigning percentages to the three categories of investors. The findings revealed that 61% and above of their clients have no idea of what they want when they approach the Brokerage firm, 40% of the investors have a rough idea of what they want to buy or sell · whereas less then 19% of the investors know what shares or securities they want to buy or sell. It was established that there was a slightly positive relationship between Capital Market Authority policies and development of stock markets and performance of the Brokerage firms. From the findings, a summary, conclusion and recommendation were made. Capital Market Authority should ensure that they enact policies with particular emphasis on developing the stock markets through intensive sensation, fiscal stimulus to promote the supply of securities in capital markets and incentives for foreign investments.
- ItemAn Assessment of the Effects of Interest Rates on the Performance of Financial Institutions. A Case Study of Stanbic IPS Branch Kampala(Kampala International University, College of Economics and Management, 2006-02) Oyasi, JoyceUsing bank data for 80 countries for 1988-95, the authors show that differences in interest margins and bank profitability reflect various determinants bank characteristics, macroeconomic conditions, explicit and implicit bank taxes, regulation of deposit insurance, general financial structure, and several underlying legal and institutional indicators. Controlling for differences in bank activity, leverage, and the macroeconomic environment, they find (among other things) that: I) Banks in countries with a more competitive banking sector--where banking assets constitute a larger share of GDP--have smaller margins and are less profitable. The bank concentration ratio also affects bank profitability; larger banks tend to have higher margins. 2) Well-capitalized banks have higher net interest margins and are more profitable. This is consistent with the fuct that banks with higher capital ratios have a lower cost of funding because of lower prospective bankruptcy costs. 3) Differences in a bank activity mix affect spread and profitability. Banks with relatively high non- interest -earning assets are less profitable. Also, banks that rely largely on deposits for their funding are less profitable, as deposits require more branching and other expenses. Similarly, variations in overhead and other operating costs are reflected in variations in bank interest margins, as banks pass their operating costs (including the corporate tax burden) onto their depositors and lenders. 4) In developing countries, foreign banks have greater margins and profits than domestic banks. In industrial countries, the opposite is true. 5) Macroeconomic factors also explain variation in interest margins. Inflation is associated with higher realized interest margins and greater profitability. Inflation brings higher costs--more transactions and generally more extensive branch networks--and also more income from bank float. Bank income increases more with inflation than bank costs do. 6) There is evidence that the corporate tax burden is fully passed on to bank customers in poor and rich countries alike. 7) Legal and institutional differences matter. Indicators of better contract enforcement, efficiency in the legal system, and lack of corruption are associated with lower realized interest margins and lower profitability.
- ItemThe impact of accounting information system on the performance of small scale entrepreneurs in Kikuubo trading centre(Kampala International University, College of Economics and Management, 2006-03) Butimbye, JamesAccounting information system is the portion of information system concerned with the measurement and prediction of income, wealth and other economic events of the organization and its subparts and entities for example order processing, general ledger, payroll, Accounts payable and Accounts receivable. Accounting information system in small scale entrepreneurs in Kikuubo has not been given the first priority in the operation of businesses. Suggestions and proposals have come as to why and how accounting information system affects the performance of small scale entrepreneurs. Account Information System records and reports business transactions and other economic activities/events as it is based on the double entry bookkeeping concept. For that matter, the study will look deeply on the financial reporting in small scale entrepreneurs. The study intended to establish how business transactions are recorded, the nature of financial reports prepared, effect of Accounting Information System and how they are related the performance of small scale entrepreneurs/businesses along Kikuubo trading centre. The study intended also to reveal the quality of reporting by small scale entrepreneurs as a result of the availability of Accounting Software packages and the relationship of several Accounting Information Systems commonly used. Questionnaire was used as the basic research tool and sampling as the method used in Research. The study involved field research, library research and document analysis
- ItemA study on the performance of marketers: a case study of Mukwano group of industries(Kampala International University, School of Business and Management, 2006-04) Ondicho M., RuthThe study set out to analyze the factors that affect the performance of the marketing staff in industries taking a case study of Mukwano group of industries. The inquiry was focused on areas of motivation, remuneration and reward administration, training and appraisals, and performance review. Using the analytical design, information was got from a sample of 60 marketers through interviews and self-administered questionnaires. Quantitative data was analyzed using tables and tests were employed to test the relationship between the variables and measured in the study. Results from the study indicate that motivation, remuneration and reward administration, training, and appraisals and performance review affects performance, whereby these variables hade a significant positive effect on marketers' performance. It was however confirmed that under the variables motivation recognition and appreciation was not a significant effect of performance on those employees who fall under the rank of marketing officers. Arising from the findings, the study made recommendations as regards to motivation, remuneration and reward administration, training and appraisals and performance review. Further more the study recommended areas for further research. These include a comparative study to make an in depth study and an investigation into the factors affecting the performance of marketers.
- ItemThe effect of management evaluation on the performance of finance department of electricity regulatory authority (ERA)(Kampala international University, College of Education, Open and Distance Learning, 2006-05) Thaiya Wambui, Caroline
- ItemThe effectiveness of internal control system over the government funds: a case study of Ministry of Health (MOH)(Kampala International University.College of Economics and Management, 2006-07) Issa, Yarut AinzibwaInternal control is one of the major challenges facing managers to day. Particularly in less development country like Tanzania .This is because of manager resource. government has to operate with to satisfy wants or needs for the people .Cash being very fast moving among the asset of an organization, there is a need to design management system to ensure its safe custody. This control should not only be inward looking. It must take care of both cash receipts and that being used out for use. The control should not end with having strong safe to keep cash but all the transaction involving ,it are procedural and are according to rules and regulation governing the public expenditure. The Public Finance and Public procurement Acts 2001 and the Regulation are very important and necessary tools to enhance a proper control in the use of scarce public funds, In my field report 'effectiveness of internal control in government funds was analyzed from the point of view of government ministries. The case of the study was in the ministry of health .In this study a sample of twenty workers and fifteen non workers are chosen on random basis, interviews and questions guides were employed in collecting data. Findings review that all the policy and procedural implemented by the management of the ministry of health MOH the government is effectiveness to enhance proper control in the use of public funds