Bachelor Degree in Counselling and Guidance
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- ItemFactors influencing the implementation of guidance and counseling of selected secondary schools in Kisii District, Kenya(Kampala International University, College of Humanities and social sciences., 2007-06) Mogunde A., InnocentObjectives: This study investigated the factors infiuendng the implementation of guidance and counseling of selected secondary schools in Kisii District, Kenya. Specifically, these data were gathered: profile of teacher counselors as to age, gender, professional qualifications, number of years in service and legal status; and degree of factors influencing the implementation of guidance and counseling as to training, availability of material resources, time avaiiabiiity, attitude towards guidance and counseling and managerial support. Design: This study employed the descriptive survey method of investigation. Environment: This study was conducted in Keumbu division of Kisil Central District, Kenya. Keumbu Division Is found in the i(isll highlands, about 9 kilometers from Kisii Town, wherein there are 14 secondary schools in that division. Out of the fourteen secondary schools, 2 are mixed boarding and day while 12 are mixed day schools, both private schools. Respondents: This study targeted all fourteen (14) teacher counselors of selected secondary in Keumbu division of Kisil District, Kenya. Instrument: This study utiiized a researcher devised insthiment which was a questionnaIre that contained questions about proflie of V the respondents in terms of age, gender, professional qualifications, number of years in service and legal status; degree of factors influencing the implementation of guidance and counseling in five areas namely: training, availability of material resources, time availability, attitude towards guidance and counseling and managerial support. They were rated as follows: 4 strongly disagree (you disagree with no doubt at all), 3 disagree (you disagree with some doubt), 2 agree (you agree with some doubt), and 1 strongly agree (you agree with no doubt at all). Data CoNectfion Procedures: The frequency and percentage was used to determine the prol9le of the teacher counselors. The weighted mean was used to determine the degree of factors influencing the implementation of guidance and counseling in five areas namely: training, availability of material resources, time availability, attitude towards guidance and counseling and managerial support. The obtained data were expressed in the following mean range: 3.26 — 4.00 very good, 2.51 — 3.25 good, 1.76 — 2.50 fair, and 1.00 — 1.75 poor. Findings: This study revealed the following: the mean age of the teacher counselors was 32.64; and the degree of factors influencing the implementation of guidance and counseling were good (mean 2.88). v Conclusion: Based on the findings, it was concluded that the factors influencing the implementation of guidance and counseling are good.
- ItemA Study of Factors that Drive Children out of Their Homes to the Street with Special Reference to Kisii Town.(Kampala International University, bachelors degree in guidance and counselling, 2008-08) Morara Nyang'ongo, EvansMany children have left their homes and are now living in the streets. At the beginning many people saw it not being their problem as long as it did not affect them directly. This is particularly so in Kisii town where the phenomena is not very old. But as the number swelled the problem has become a big issue for every caring citizen of this country and particularly to people in a town like Kisii. It has now come to the notice of everybody that the problem is very serous and unless addressed it will soon cause a big security risk for every one who is prone to these children. This is because the street children grow in an indiscipline environment and nobody prepares them to become good citizens of tomorrow by providing any type of education or guidance. It is therefore vital for everybody in the society to be initiate and use every available opportunity at his or her disposal to curb the problem from escalating further in the midst of the society. The researcher intends to establish, what the existing organizations for example churches, non-governmental organizations and the government are doing to arrest the (situation) problem. The researcher expects to highlight whatever information will be collected that might assist to solve the problem. The research was carried in Kisii Municipality, Kisii District Nyanza Province of Kenya. The researcher choose this town because street children are concentrated here. During the research the researcher involved many institutions for example Children's Department m the Municipality, churches and NGOs. Many children who join the street do it not because they don't like to live in their homes, but every one of them is driven from his/her home by one reason or another. The researcher believes that if the problem can be investigated, identified and then addressed then children would not come to live in the streets. While we agree that the relevant department has not done much to address the problem we agree one cause of their in ability to do so is lack of enough funds and materials. During his research the researcher aimed at collecting information through interaction interviews from street children parents and guardian of the street children, churches and children welfare institutional (leader) managers. If enough correct information is given and implemented, them the problem of street children will be solved.
- ItemThe Relationship between Student Absenteeism and Performance in Secondary Schools of Central Division Mwingi District, Kenya(Kampala International University, bachelors degree in Guidance and counselling, 2008-08) Felistus, Mwende Musingi
- ItemEffect of Cheap Liquor to The Population in Munyu-Ini, Gatundu District in Kenya(Kampala International University, Colleges of humanities and social sciences, 2008-11) John, Gitau MwauraThe purpose of this study was to assess the ~effect of cheap liquor to the population in Munyu-ini, Gatundu district in Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were to examine to investigate the effects of cheap liquor on academic achievement of learners, to establish if cheap liquor affects family relationships, to investigate the influence of cheap liquor on the economy of the family and to analyze the effect of cheap liquor on the health of people. The methods used for data collection were questionnaires to the teachers and focus group discussions with the community members of Munyu-ini, Gatundu district in Kenya. The findings revealed that cheap liquor had a negative effect on the health, education, economy and family relationships. The study recommended that, Government should make sure it monitors the sell of alcohol to avoid illegal selling. The community should be sensitized on the dangers of alcohol and bow to prevent taking it or seffing it illegally. Job opportunities should be created for jobless people so that they are not tempted to engage in the sale of cheap illegal liquor. Means should be devised to help alcohol addicts on bow to stop the habit and do something constructive.
- ItemA Study of the Impact Of (guidance And Counseling to Physically Handicapped Learners in Gatanga Zone Thika District Kenya(Kampala International University, bachelors degree of Guidance and counselling, 2008-11) Rebecca, W. MainaPhysically handicapped learners have dreams and visions. However they are sometimes not fulfilled due to certain barriers. In order for these learners to perform well they need guidance on issues related to the challenges they face in life. This study aimed at analyzing the existing guidance and counseling services. and methods of primary schools in Gatanga Zone, Thika District. The sample was then drawn from six schools with special units and physically handicapped learners in an inclusive setting. Research instruments used were questionnaires for both teachers and physically handicapped learners. The data collected was analyzed using both qualitative and quantitative. methods. The study aimed to find out the way forward as far as guidance and counseling physically handicapped learners is concerned. The study was also used to make appropriate recommendations as this would be a foundation upon which physically handicapped learners can be treated with the seriousness they deserve.
- ItemAttitude of Teachers towards the Teaching of Mother Tongue in Nguni Division, Mwingi District Kenya(Kampala International University, bachelors degree in Guidance and counselling, 2008-11) Kamau, Mutemi B
- ItemChildren with Single Parents and Their Academic Performance in City Primary School Starehe Division, Kenya(Kampala International University, bachelors degree in Guidance and counselling, 2008-12) Leah M, NgangaThe purpose of this study was to determine children living with single parents and their academic performance in City primary school, Starehe district, Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were to determine the academic performance of children living with single parents in regards to; Performance in class, dropping out of school, coping with the school environment and Investigate the importance of both parents to a child's development The methods used for data collection were questionnaires to the parents, interviews with the teachers and focus group discussions with the pupils. The findings revealed that children living with single parents had a problem coping with the school environment. The study recommended that The government should take into consideration the problems of children living with single parents and design a curriculum that suits their needs. Head .teachers should ensure that the school is conducive for children living with single parents and that school counselors are available to help such children.
- ItemTeachers motivation and performance at the work place, Githunguri division, Kiambu district, Kenya(Kampala International University, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2008-12) Wanjiru Kagombe, AgnesThe main purpose of motivation in any given organization is to increase efficiency and effectiveness at work which eventually leads to high levels of productivity and the benefits thereof. People are motivated by many different kinds of needs. They have basic needs for food, clothing and shelter, but they also need acceptance, recognition and self - esteem. Each individual experience those needs ways and to varying degrees. To complicate matters more, people are motivated by different needs to different times in their lives depending on their age, sex, culture, social status and ambitions. No one approach to motivation works for all people or for the same person all the time. For this reason, it is necessary that managers sensitively seek appropriate ways of motivating their employees as individuals, if organizational per formational performance is of concern to them. The main aim of this project will be to assess the specific factors of motivation that can feasibly be used at the work place to increase the performance of female employees. It seeks to clarify the challenges women go through as employees and homemakers, and how these challenges can negatively impact on their work efficiency at times. The purpose of this study is therefore, to obtain concrete information from the field on what female teachers feel should be done to increase their level of motivation. The study will target teachers in sampled Government secondary schools of Githunguri Division, Kiambu District. Descriptive data will be collected which will require to be analyzed both qualitatively and empirically (quantitatively). Based on the findings of this study, conclusion will be drawn and recommendations made for necessary action by relevant authorities
- ItemThe HIV/AIDS prevention strategies and the sexual behavior of the youths(Kampala International University(KIU), 2009) Nalutaaya, Juliet
- ItemAn Assessment of the Challenges Facing the Girl Child Education: A Case Study of Katwe Butego Sub County- Masaka District.(Kampala International University, bachelors degree in guidance and counselling, 2009-06) Jeanne, Nambalirwa .SThis study on Assessment of the Challenges Facing the Girl Child Education in Uganda was carried out in Katwe Butego Sub County Masaka District. Specifically the study aimed at finding out the economic factors affecting the girl child education, identifying the socio-cultural factors that affect girl child education and to find to establish whether there are existing strategies for uplifting girls' education. In order to comprehend the problem of the study, a documentary review of Literature on the economic and socio-cultural factors affecting the girl child education as well as on strategies aimed at uplifting girl education was carried out. The study employed a descriptive exploratory design in which both qualitative and quantitative methods were applied where the researcher solicited data from parents, teachers and children on the subject matter, all of whom constituted a sample of 50 respondents. Research instruments included a Questionnaire and an interview guide. The Study findings on economic factors revealed that, poverty in homes, economic value of the girl child; high schooling costs and the country's low level of economic development were factors responsible for the girl child dropout. Socio-cultural factor indicated that early marriages, religious influences, premarital pregnancies, female biased home roles and poor parental attitude challenged the girl child education. The study findings further revealed strategies such as provision of bursaries, organizations to uplift girl child education among others to be in existence. The study concluded that, poverty in families and economic value of girls are the leading economic challenges facing girl child in the country, while early marriage and premarital pregnancies are leading social cultural factors facing girl child education in Uganda. The major strategy identified is provision of bursaries. The study recommended that in order to improve on girl child education and to overcome the challenges facing girl child education in Uganda the government sensitize parents and the public on the importance of girl child education, make UPE compulsory for girls, supply free scholastic materials and give out educational loans as well as providing sanitary pads and towels to girls of adolescent age. Socially NGOs and educated people should can1paign against early marriages of the girl child, parents and school authorities should on routine basis offer sex education to girls to check possibilities of premarital pregnancies among children, families and community should be encouraged and supported morally and financially by the government. Lastly, basing on strategies, a follow up should be made on procedures taken to uplift the girl child education, upcountry and the local council authority should lend a hand in education of girls through enforcing laws since they are nearer to people, training of the staff that handles the girl child matters and government should improve on the bursaries in girl child education.
- ItemStudents perceptions of guidance and counseling service: a case of Kampala International University, Kansanga, Makindye Division(Kampala International University; College of Humanities and Social Science, 2009-07) Ngomo, Patrick M.This study was carried out on the "Students Perception of Guidance and Counseling Service' at Kampala International University - Kansanga. Its specific aims were to establish the Students' perception to guidance and counseling, to identify the need for guidance and Counseling, to find out the problems faced in guidance and counseling services with their possible solutions. To clearly grasp the problem of the study, a review of literature on the specific objectives was done. The study used a descriptive exploratory design in which both qualitative and quantitative methods were observed from 60 respondents who included. 15 lecturers, 5 counselors and 40 students by help of questionnaires and interview guide. The study established the perception of guidance and counseling to be cultural based, according to counselor preference and also on preferred method of counseling. Various circumstances such as overcoming; bereavement, anger, depression, post trauma, war atrocities among others led to a need of guidance and counseling, yet problems such as counselor's attributes, confidentiality, trust and confidentiality of clients m counselor, lack of background knowledge of client, relationship between counselor and client and finally competence of counselor were established where solutions to the problems were suggested to be; counselor modification of emphatic responses, counselors seeking personal counseling, adopt strategies and guidelines for development, analyzing individual and cultural difference and finally research on background of client. The study recommended that the University/Counselors/Students should; The researcher recommended that; offer a confidential and nonjudgmental place in which to talk confidential issues; take up to counseling sessions themselves and open up a database for all students' background; seek relief from other people's physical and emotional support; not bottle up feelings; not let embarrassment stop them from giving others as well as themselves the chance to talk; express their needs clearly and honestly to friends, family and counselors.
- ItemChristians' perceptions of church marriage: a case of Rubaga division, Kampala district(Kampala International University, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2009-07) Businge, LydiaThe study on the Christians perceptions of church marriage carried out in Rubaga division, Kampala District. The study was carried out basing on the following objectives. To establish Christians perceptions of church marriage, to find out why some Christians hold church marriage and yet others do not hold it. Primary data were collected by using questionnaires, observation and Oral interviews were analyzed and interpreted using figures, frequency tables, bar graph and pie charts were used to present the data. Recommendations were derived from the study indicated that life is a gift from God so it should not be misused by Christians through neglecting church marriage. This would help to improve on number of Christians participating in church marriage.
- ItemParents- teachers’ co-operation and students’ academic performance: a case study of Kitgum Town College Westland parish, Kitgum district(Kampala International University, Faculty of Education, 2009-08) Amony, Jennifer; SallyThis study undertook to identify the number of parents. Teacher's co-operation and students' academic performance in Kitgum Town College, Kitgurn District. Across the Sectional survey focusing primarily on sampled students who had performed poorly in the government officials directly involved in the implementation of programs was used. The area of study was Kitgurn Town College, Kitgurn district, Westland parish. The major methods used were questionnaires, oral interviews, stratified sampling by proportional allocation was employed, and document analysis. 120 respondents were interviewed, questionnaires, and a focused group discussion. Although the district local government and development pmtners are making a difference to ensure quality academic performance by students through access, retention and computation of the secondary school cycle for students both boys and girls, the study revealed that access to educational opportunities alone do not guarantee survival and enabling family, community and school environment is more paramount. Another finding was a correlation between age of entry and length of stay of the students especially the girl child- education in the education system. Late school enrollment is likely to affect a student's ability to complete the cycle, leaving her a student overage for the teaching-lem·ning activities being undertaken by the school. The psychological changes that come with adolescence require a learning environment that is more responsive to students' needs. It was evidenced that a girl child needs an enabling environment to be a positive change agent in the community. This study has clem·ly shown that ensuring girls and boys benefit equally
- ItemThe Impact of School Drop Out Primary School Pupil's: A Case Study of Mengo Primary School in Kampala City(Kampala International University, bachelors degree in guidance and counselling, 2009-08) Fatumah, SsekyanziThe study was to investigate the impact of school dropouts in Mengo Primary school. The objectives of the study include; establishing the causes of school dropouts in Mengo Primary School The impact of school dropouts in Mengo Primary School. The research survey design was used; the population targeted included teachers, political leaders and parents The conclusions of the study included poverty, corporal punishments and diseases The impact of the study includes; high cnme rates, illiteracy and early marriages. The recommendations of the study; introduce free lunch at school, reduction in learning hours and build more schools
- ItemChallenges of Protecting the Right of the Girl-Child Education in Uganda: A Case Study of St. Agnes Primary School in Entebbe Municipsl Council(Kampala International University, bachelors degree of Guidance and counselling, 2009-11) Miria, NadungaThis study was carried out with an aim of establishing the challenges of promoting the right to education of the girl child under Universal Primary Education (UPE) in Entebbe Municipal Council. The study objectively sought; to identify and review relevant human rights instruments that protect the right to education, to find out how the home environment affects the girl-child's right to education under Universal Primary Education, to establish the School environment factors that are a barrier to the girl-child's right to education under Universal Primary Education. Data were collected mainly through the use, questionnaires. The study involved a total of 50 respondents that is; Head teachers, female teachers, male teachers, parents, Municipal leaders and Pupils were sampled, these were all involved in the school's activities at different levels. The study found that, there are many children in UPE schools in the country, but to a greater extent girls are viewed as failures to a greater extent because of negligence of the government to sponsor the programme in time and ensuring the right to girl child education is given a special attention in primary schools. Because in order to understand the challenges of protecting and promoting the right to education of the girl-child under Universal Primary. In conclusion, it was asserted that the teaching of learners in schools under UPE programme is not being carried out as it should be in many schools. It is proved beyond reasonable doubt that teachers face a lot of challenges while handling these children. Finally, a number of recommendations were suggested that; teachers should constantly be encouraged to be prepared for the good of the pupil they teach, not for pleasing the head teachers, they should, therefore, envisage the various procedures as valuable. So, regular boost courses and workshops should be planned, organized and conducted for teachers regardless of their experience and inspectors of schools at the district and national levels should update their knowledge, teaching methods and practice were suggested as presented in chapter five.
- ItemAdolescent crisis and academic performance of students in selected secondary schools of Kombewa division, Kisumu west district, Kenya(Kampala International University, Institute of Open and Distance Learning, 2010-04) Adul, Amos; Oduor
- ItemThe level of community participation and the plight of persons with disability in Bungatira Sub - County in Gulu District(Kampala International University.College of Humanities and social science, 2010-05) Grace, AmitoThis research assessed the level of community participation in addressing the needs of the Persons with Disability in Bungarita Sub-County in Gulu District. Community Participation was assumed to take place in activities that included needs assessment, mobilization, planning especially during goal setting, trainings, project implementation, monitoring and evaluation of community development projects. The objectives of the research were; to assess the level of community patiicipation in addressing the plight of People with Disability and to examine the future of the Persons with Disability in Bungarita Sub-County in Gulu District. Therefore the research questions were; what is the level of community participation in addressing the problems of Disabled persons and what is the Future of the Persons with Disability in the Post Conflict era? The research methods used included; a cross sectional survey using questionnaire, and key informant interview were used. According to the 2002 Population and Housing Census, at least 4 out of every 25, or 16 per cent 1 of the population, are disabled. Applying this estimate to today's Ugandan population (approximately 30 million) would indicate that they may be some 5 million disabled people in the country. Disabled people in Uganda, as in most developing countries in the world, face extreme conditions of poverty, have limited opportunities for accessing education, health, and suitable housing and employment opportunities. The major findings of this research were that the community was aware of the existence and vulnerability of the PWDs in the community (95.4 percent), and 97.3 percent were suffering from conditions of physical impairment. However the community has not taken significant initiatives to address the plight of the PWDs. There community ranked basic social needs as the priority needs of the PWDS, the quality of services provided to the PWDs was deemed to be poor by the community, the future Vll improvement of the current living conditions of the PWDs seem to be in balance as the community thinks this improvement is dependent on NGOs whose number has seriously reduced. The major recommendations included; the high level of community aware of the existence of the vulnerability of the PWD's be translated to community initiatives, the concerns of PWD's be mainstreamed in all the government programmed aimed at attaining the PRDP goals and the participation of the PWD's in development projects be made mandatory. Regarding Community needs assessment, the level of community participation of the PWD's is \ low during needs assessment. However the community identified Basic Social needs such as education, health, water, involvement in decision making, good sanitation and social protection such as protection against social stigma, child labor, sex abuse and other forms of discrimination as the priority needs of the PWD's. However, the economic needs such as employment and incorn,e generation were ranked as the least needs of the persons with disability, there fore there is ne~d to enforce the law covering persons with disability bearing in mind the societal cultural and economic environment while trying to assure the safety of the rights of persons with disability. According to the research, Women and men with disabilities can and want to be productive members of society. Employ1;11ent opportunities for people with disabilities requires improved access to basic education, vocational training relevant to labor market needs and jobs suited to their abilities, interests and abilities, with adaptations as needed.
- ItemPeople’s perceptions towards Christian marriage case study of Christian churches in ruhinda subcounty —Rukungiri district(Kampala International University, Colleges of Humanities and Social sciences, 2010-06) Rogers, NamanyaNo abstract
- ItemPatterns of substance abuse among secondary school students in Bushenyi District(Kampala International University; College of Humanities and Social Science, 2010-07) Mugisha, Moses B.No Abstract
- ItemThe effects of deviant behaviors on students’ academic performance, the case study of Kisoro District Secondary Schools(Kampala International University, College of Humanities and social sciences., 2010-08) Nsabiyera, ObedThe study was undertaken to analyze the effects of deviant behaviours on student’s academic performance in six secondary schools of Kisoro district with a view of making recommendations on how to reduce the problem of deviant behaviours among students. The specific objectives were; To find out how deviant behaviours can be soled in secondary schools. To examine the causes of deviant behaviours in secondary schools. To find out whether deviants perform better than the non-deviants in secondary schools. To find out how the environment contribute to deviant behaviours in secondary To find out whether girls are more deviant than boys in secondary schools To find out whether single schools students are more deviant than mixed schools To find out the effects of deviant behaviours on students’ academic performance. Questionnaires, interviews, observation were used to collect data. The findings indicated that most of the respondents agreed that deviant behaviours affect the academic performance where 75 percent of respondents attributed poor academic performance to deviant behaviours. It also indicated that weak administration of the school, peer influence, lack of sense of belonging to the school, poverty, alcoholism and drug abuse accounted for the cause of deviant behaviours among secondary school students. Respondents suggested possible solutions in order to overcome the problem of deviant behaviours among secondary school students. Among them included stopping drug abuse and alcoholism in schools, promoting guidance and counseling in secondary schools, enforcement of school rules and regulations and involving parents in the student’s activities at school