Bachelor Degree in Counselling and Guidance
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- ItemAbolition of Corporal Punishments and Students Discipline in Schools. A Case Study of Winstone Senior Secondary School(Kampala International University, Colleges of Humanities and Social sciences, 2013-08) Tusiime, DoreenThe purpose of the study was to examine the impact of corporal punishment on students’ discipline. The study was guide by three specific objectives and these included; to identify the various forms of corporal punishments in schools, to identify various impacts of corporal punishment on students’ discipline and to find solutions to managing discipline in schools. The study employed qualitative and quantitative approach method in collecting data and a sample of 92 respondents participated in the study. From the study findings, it was revealed that both men and women participated in the study, further still, it was revealed that canning was most commonly used form of corporal punishment use at Winston senior secondary school as it was evidenced by the majority of respondents 28 (3 0%), however, corporal punishments resulted into high school drpeouts and reduce on the problem, respondents suggested teaching good morals. The study recommended that Encourage learners to choose and follow the specific behaviour from their code of conduct. Educators must teach learners to evaluate their behaviour on a daily basis by recognizing and crediting good behaviour. For example, the educator may credit all learners with 10 points from the first day of the school week. Each time the learner misbehaves he/she loses a point. On the last day of the school week the number of point each remains with is counted. The one with the most number of points is honored the King/Queen of the following week. The Ministry of Education should develop programmes for girls who drop out of school particularly due to pregnancy or child bearing. They need functional skills. This training should also aim at instilling in them moral values. Introducing moral up bringing in the curriculum would probably discourage girls from becoming pregnant. Government needs to develop policies and programmes to corporal punishments in schools. There is need for a clear policy the recommended forms of corporal punishments to be used in school .This will help to ensure that students are not just punished.
- ItemAdolescent crisis and academic performance of students in selected secondary schools of Kombewa division, Kisumu west district, Kenya(Kampala International University, Institute of Open and Distance Learning, 2010-04) Adul, Amos; Oduor
- ItemAdolescents’ sexual behaviour and their effects on their reproductive health: a case study of Rubaga Division schools, Kampala District(Kampala International University, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2013-05) Juma, Juma OthmanThe study explained adolescents’ sexual behaviour and their effects on their reproductive health. The study was carried out in Rubaga Division, Kampala District. A quantitative survey design was used in the study. The population of the study comprised of 68 respondents from two secondary schools in Rubaga Division all students in Senior III and IV. The number of male respondents were 34 students randomly selected from Old Kampala Mixed S.S.S and 34 female respondents, being students selected randomly from Rubaga Girls S.S.S. A questionnaire was administered to the respondents and findings indicated that adolescent sexual behaviour was one of the concerns of adolescents reproductive health. The identified effects were risky sexual behaviour which included unprotected sex, having many sexual partners, smoking and drug use, tendencies of homosexuality and consequences of health related issues such as early pregnancies among female adolescents, contraction of STI’s and HIV / AIDS, abortion and other psychological behaviours like suicide through early prostitution, low self esteem, school dropouts, early marriages, etc. Most respondents agreed that early sexual behaviour leads to different kinds of reproductive health and psychological consequences. From the study sexual recommendatibns were made and these included; parental involvement in educating their children about sexual issues, peer education and sensitization, establishment of teenage centres where group counseling can be affected, introduction of sex education curriculum in schools, general community mobilization, et al.
- ItemAn assessment of the causes of HIV/AIDS among married couples in Uganda, a case study of Kampala Central Division(Kampala international University, College of Education, Open and Distance Learning, 2011-05) Mukiibi, Shamim
- ItemAn Assessment of the Challenges Facing the Girl Child Education: A Case Study of Katwe Butego Sub County- Masaka District.(Kampala International University, bachelors degree in guidance and counselling, 2009-06) Jeanne, Nambalirwa .SThis study on Assessment of the Challenges Facing the Girl Child Education in Uganda was carried out in Katwe Butego Sub County Masaka District. Specifically the study aimed at finding out the economic factors affecting the girl child education, identifying the socio-cultural factors that affect girl child education and to find to establish whether there are existing strategies for uplifting girls' education. In order to comprehend the problem of the study, a documentary review of Literature on the economic and socio-cultural factors affecting the girl child education as well as on strategies aimed at uplifting girl education was carried out. The study employed a descriptive exploratory design in which both qualitative and quantitative methods were applied where the researcher solicited data from parents, teachers and children on the subject matter, all of whom constituted a sample of 50 respondents. Research instruments included a Questionnaire and an interview guide. The Study findings on economic factors revealed that, poverty in homes, economic value of the girl child; high schooling costs and the country's low level of economic development were factors responsible for the girl child dropout. Socio-cultural factor indicated that early marriages, religious influences, premarital pregnancies, female biased home roles and poor parental attitude challenged the girl child education. The study findings further revealed strategies such as provision of bursaries, organizations to uplift girl child education among others to be in existence. The study concluded that, poverty in families and economic value of girls are the leading economic challenges facing girl child in the country, while early marriage and premarital pregnancies are leading social cultural factors facing girl child education in Uganda. The major strategy identified is provision of bursaries. The study recommended that in order to improve on girl child education and to overcome the challenges facing girl child education in Uganda the government sensitize parents and the public on the importance of girl child education, make UPE compulsory for girls, supply free scholastic materials and give out educational loans as well as providing sanitary pads and towels to girls of adolescent age. Socially NGOs and educated people should can1paign against early marriages of the girl child, parents and school authorities should on routine basis offer sex education to girls to check possibilities of premarital pregnancies among children, families and community should be encouraged and supported morally and financially by the government. Lastly, basing on strategies, a follow up should be made on procedures taken to uplift the girl child education, upcountry and the local council authority should lend a hand in education of girls through enforcing laws since they are nearer to people, training of the staff that handles the girl child matters and government should improve on the bursaries in girl child education.
- ItemAttitude of Teachers towards the Teaching of Mother Tongue in Nguni Division, Mwingi District Kenya(Kampala International University, bachelors degree in Guidance and counselling, 2008-11) Kamau, Mutemi B
- ItemCauses of alcoholism and drug abuse among the youths aged 15 to 20 years in Kansanga, Kampala District(Kampala International University, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2011-05) Arinaitwe, SimonThe study was carried in kansanga, Kampala district. It was carried out to assess the causes of drug abuse and alcoholism among youth aged 15-20 years in this area. The study used qualitative and survey designs to assess the causes of drug abuse and alcoholism among the youth aged 15-20 years in kansanga, Kampala district The study population included the youth, local authorities, parents and medical workers. A sample of 150 respondents was selected using simple random and purposive sampling research technique. Data was collected using interview guides, observation techniques and questionnaires from both primary and secondary sources. Collected data was analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively and was tabulated. The study investigated the factors, types and causes of drug abuse and alcoholism in the area among youth. The study revealed that culture is the main cause of drug and alcoholic abuse among youth aged 15-20 years in Kansanga. The study suggested that youth should stay away from drugs and focus on their education in order to be responsible citizens and that the elders should not take alcohol insight of the young ones. According to the study, it was seen that peer pressure was another major cause of alcohol and drug abuse among youth; it was therefore recommended that parents should provide enough parental guidance to the youth and also encouraged them to attend youth Christian camps. The study also recommended that laws against drug abuse and alcoholism should be strengthened to people below 18 years, taking youth to rehabilitation centers those who abuse drugs and provide them with considering services concerning effects of drug abuse and alcoholism. - A sensitization programme should be taken up government to reach and to the youth concerning the danger effects of abusing drug and alcohol.
- ItemCauses of poverty development in Wakiso district: A case study of Gayaza(Kampala International University, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2011-07) Tumusingize TeophilThis study was carried out to examine the causes of poverty in Wakiso district. There is a relationship between redundancy and poverty among the people of Gayaza. The researcher focused on the proper utilization of resources and foreign aid. A longitudinal design was developed to compile secondary data from Gayaza among others from 2006-2007. The data was analyzed using Pearson correlation co-efficient which measured the strength and direction between the independent and dependent variables. The findings showed that due to random for example among the people of Gayaza, production was in a decline. The results showed a positive significant improvement in the private sectors showed a positive relationship between the rich and the poor. The poor can now concentrate on some small scale businesses. The study concluded that a high concentration on private sectors, small scale businesses and faithfulness of the government organizations can eliminate poverty among the people of Gayaza. The study therefore recommended that for the elimination of poverty, people should be employed such that they can earn a better living
- ItemThe challenges faced by children affected or infected with HIV/AIDS:(Kampala International University, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2010-09) Khakasa, SarahThe purpose of the study was to examine the challenges faced by children affected or infected with HJI7/AIDS that’s prevalence of HIV/AIDS, socio economic and educational challenges faced by children in Uganda with a case study of Kiswa Health Centre IV The study was guided by the following objectives: To establish the prevalence of children affected or infected by HIV/AIDS. To find out the socio-economic challenges which affected or infected children by HIV/AIDS face. To investigate the educational challenges faced by children affected or infected by HIV/AIDS. The study was carried out against the background that many people in and around Kiswa Health Centre IV complain of children being neglected by people or friends, they literal isolate themselves, dropout of school, work for people outside family for money to be used at home among other problems because of HJV/AIDS. The study employed across-sectional survey designed on Kiswa Health Centre IV children (infected or affected) and primary data were collected using qualitative methods which include interview and observation, quantitative data were collected using questionnaire method, secondary data were sought through documentary reviewed method from text books, different libraries such as KIU library and MUK library. A sample size of (25) twenty-five respondents including staff and operative employees constituted the sample size. The findings of the study revealed that: the prevalence of HIV/AIDS as mother to child transmission, use of Needles that have not been sterilized, blood transfusions where infected blood is used, sexual abuse and rape, and sexual activity and drug use for older children. The socio-economic challenges were revealed that children become family member income earner~ doctors and nurses die, children find it difficult to gain care for childhood diseases, many children loose friends and parents to AIDS~ children who have HIV/AIDS in their family are stigmatized and affected by discrimination, and fear among infected children; lastly educational challenges were revealed to be schools loose teachers to AIDS, lack of scholastic materials, school dropout due to financial problems, isolated by friends and teachers at school and poor performance among children affected or infected with HTV/AIDS. The researcher from the above findings suggested that there should be training for those in the community who interact with HIV/AIDS affected families. The government should increase the provision of anti-retro viral treatment or drugs to hospitals and persons living with HIV/AIDS and schools who loose teachers to AIDS should employ more than one teacher for a particular subject like math.
- ItemChallenges of Protecting the Right of the Girl-Child Education in Uganda: A Case Study of St. Agnes Primary School in Entebbe Municipsl Council(Kampala International University, bachelors degree of Guidance and counselling, 2009-11) Miria, NadungaThis study was carried out with an aim of establishing the challenges of promoting the right to education of the girl child under Universal Primary Education (UPE) in Entebbe Municipal Council. The study objectively sought; to identify and review relevant human rights instruments that protect the right to education, to find out how the home environment affects the girl-child's right to education under Universal Primary Education, to establish the School environment factors that are a barrier to the girl-child's right to education under Universal Primary Education. Data were collected mainly through the use, questionnaires. The study involved a total of 50 respondents that is; Head teachers, female teachers, male teachers, parents, Municipal leaders and Pupils were sampled, these were all involved in the school's activities at different levels. The study found that, there are many children in UPE schools in the country, but to a greater extent girls are viewed as failures to a greater extent because of negligence of the government to sponsor the programme in time and ensuring the right to girl child education is given a special attention in primary schools. Because in order to understand the challenges of protecting and promoting the right to education of the girl-child under Universal Primary. In conclusion, it was asserted that the teaching of learners in schools under UPE programme is not being carried out as it should be in many schools. It is proved beyond reasonable doubt that teachers face a lot of challenges while handling these children. Finally, a number of recommendations were suggested that; teachers should constantly be encouraged to be prepared for the good of the pupil they teach, not for pleasing the head teachers, they should, therefore, envisage the various procedures as valuable. So, regular boost courses and workshops should be planned, organized and conducted for teachers regardless of their experience and inspectors of schools at the district and national levels should update their knowledge, teaching methods and practice were suggested as presented in chapter five.
- ItemChildren with Single Parents and Their Academic Performance in City Primary School Starehe Division, Kenya(Kampala International University, bachelors degree in Guidance and counselling, 2008-12) Leah M, NgangaThe purpose of this study was to determine children living with single parents and their academic performance in City primary school, Starehe district, Kenya. The specific objectives of the study were to determine the academic performance of children living with single parents in regards to; Performance in class, dropping out of school, coping with the school environment and Investigate the importance of both parents to a child's development The methods used for data collection were questionnaires to the parents, interviews with the teachers and focus group discussions with the pupils. The findings revealed that children living with single parents had a problem coping with the school environment. The study recommended that The government should take into consideration the problems of children living with single parents and design a curriculum that suits their needs. Head .teachers should ensure that the school is conducive for children living with single parents and that school counselors are available to help such children.
- ItemChristians' perceptions of church marriage: a case of Rubaga division, Kampala district(Kampala International University, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2009-07) Businge, LydiaThe study on the Christians perceptions of church marriage carried out in Rubaga division, Kampala District. The study was carried out basing on the following objectives. To establish Christians perceptions of church marriage, to find out why some Christians hold church marriage and yet others do not hold it. Primary data were collected by using questionnaires, observation and Oral interviews were analyzed and interpreted using figures, frequency tables, bar graph and pie charts were used to present the data. Recommendations were derived from the study indicated that life is a gift from God so it should not be misused by Christians through neglecting church marriage. This would help to improve on number of Christians participating in church marriage.
- ItemCommunity Service Orders and Behavior Modification of Offenders in Probation Department in Ministry of Home Affairs Kakamega, Kenya(Kampala International University, bachelors degree in Guidance and counselling, 2011-09) Mandillah, Judith NThis study intended to establish the effectiveness of community service orders in behavior modification, rehabilitation, and crime prevention in Kakamega District, Western Province of Kenya. In the review of the related literature, all secondary sources viewed relevant to the study were revisited and helped to give the researcher a clear picture as well as a guidelines regarding the study which he had to undertake. The study employed both qualitative and quantitative paradigms since the variables entailed in the study were thoroughly explained and some, measured with numericals and analyzed with statistical procedures. Self administered questionnaires formed the cardinal tools for data collection and these were administered in a respectable manner. The findings from the field revealed that there delineation of community service orders into multiple aspects was helpful to the probation officers to systematically understand, analyze, and manage the modification of the behaviors of offenders. It was further revealed that individuals who are unprivileged, unemployed and those with indecent life styles may be exerting control over their own actions and environment by using self-serving attributions. Such individuals require assistance from the concerned authorities so as to cope with the environment. Individuals who are unprivileged, unemployed and those with indecent life styles may be exerting control over their own actions and environment by using self-serving attributions. Such individuals require assistance from the concerned authorities so as to cope with the environment.
- ItemCommunity service orders and behaviour modification of offenders in Probation Department in Ministry of Home Affairs Kakamega, Kenya(Kampala International University(KIU), 2011) Mandillah, Judith N.
- ItemCondom use and prevention of HIV/AIDS among commercial sex workers at Marps Network in Mbuya(Kampala International University, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2015-08) Jazire, Anna R.This study sought to investigate condom use in the prevention of HIV/AIDS among commercial sex workers and was carried out at MARPS Network in Mbuya, Kampala District. The study was guided by three research objectives; to establish how socio economic characteristics of commercial sex workers affect condom use; to investigate the attitudes and the perceptions of commercial sex workers towards condom use) and to find out the levels of condom use and awareness among commercial sex workers. A cross-sectional design was used to collect data from 80 respondents in all, including 73 Commercial Sex Workers under MARPs Network, 01 official of Uganda Aids Commission (UAC), 01 official from Ministry of Health in the HIV sector) and 04 Heads of NGQs supporting commercial sex workers (MARP5 Network and WONETHA), using both quantitative and qualitative research methods of data collection, analysis and presentation. The study also reviewed existing documents regarding condom use among commercial sex workers and HIV/AIDS. The study found that social-economic factors had different dimensions in determining the use or none use of condoms for sex among commercial sex workers) like one’s economic activity) type of housing for the commercial sex workers, pressure for rent, level of education and cultural perceptions. The study concluded that that the major factors affecting attitudes and perception of commercial sex workers towards condom use were perceived reduction in sexual pleasure, rigidity of male clients, lack of condoms at a particular time, amount of money offered and the tyke of client. Respondents were more willing to use condoms for the first time with a new or irregular client but as friendship develops with a regular client or steady partner, the urge for using condoms faded with familiarity between partners. The study recommended that government intensifies its social-economic transformation efforts in order to reduce on general poverty levels in the country. This was in light of the fact that poverty and ignorance were leading factors compelling women to take to commercial sex activities. Government should therefore fight poverty through encouraging more free female education, provide reproductive health services in health centers and increase funding of self help projects for all people especially women as well as encouraging free condom distribution to CSWs.
- ItemCounseling and learning abilities among special needs students in Kampala District(Kampala International University, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2013-08) Nanteza, BettyThe purpose of the study was to investigate the impact of counseling on learning abilities among special needs students. This was guided the specific objectives that included 1 )to find out the significant relationship between counseling and learning abilities 2)to determine the levels of counseling among special needs students 3)to examine the levels of learning abilities and 4)to explore the types of learning disabilities. The study employed qualitative approach method in collecting data and a sample of 80 respondents were selected. From the findings ,it was revealed that orthographic dyslexia seems to b the leading form of learning disabilities at Kampala international university, majority of the respondents 30(37%) reported medical factors a the leading cause of learning disabilities among learner, 75% agreed that counseling impacts learning disabilities. They argued that counselors can serve a variety of students with special needs, assisting students who are gifted and talented, migrant students, and students with learning disabilities, majority of the respondents suggested individual counseling as the type of counseling they would prefer with 50(62.5%). The study recommended that Parents should be sensitized about the positive impact on counseling on learning disabilities for example the community leaders like social workers, counselors, psychologists should organize meetings in the communities and teach the parents the dangers of abandoning counseling services to a child with learning disabilities like school dropout. Kampala international university should also recruit experienced counselors to help special needs students. Most special needs students need counseling but they find no one to talk to. The government should set design the education policies that favor special needs students, Parents should however always nurture their children in proper ways like giving them the required basic needs like clothes, food shelter to avoid medical complications
- ItemDecentralization and health service delivery: a case study of Mukono District Local Government(Kampala International University: College of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2019-04) Immaculate, Akampa
- ItemDomestic violence and academic performance of learners in selected secondary schools of Kakuuto Sub County, Rakai District(Kampala International University.College of Humanities and social science, 2014-05) Milton, Rwabutogohe purpose of the study was to examine the impact of domestic violence on academic performance of learners. The study was guided by three specific objectives which include; i)to Find out the types of domestic violence and the possible causes ,ii) Find out the effects of domestic violence on the school academic performance pupils within area and iii) Suggest way of eliminating or reducing the occurrence of domestic violence. The study employed a descriptive correlation design that used both interview guide and questionnaires and a sample size of 80 respondents out of 100 was used in that study. From the findings, the study revealed that 37.5 percent agreed that economic stress was commonly the cause of domestic violence in Kakuuto sub county, Rakai district while 31.25 percent said it was jealousy as the common cause of domestic violence in Kakuuto sub county, Rakai district, 18.75 percent reported competition, yet 12.5 percent of the rest were in favor of pornography as the common cause of domestic violence in Kakuuto sub county, Rakai district. The study recommends that owing to the widespread prevalence of various forms of domestic violence in the Kakuuto sub county, different education sector stakeholders should address domestic violence as a social vice in order to improve academic performance and school participation of children coming from the slum areas. Research is needed that advances the current understanding of the prevalence and effects of childhood exposure to domestic violence, and the impact of resilience and risk factors, so that policymakers and practitioners can design interventions sufficient to address the size, nature, and complexity of the problem.
- ItemDomestic Violence and Employee Performance of Women in Kawempe Division, Kampala City(Kampala international international : College of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2019-10) Namuto, NorahThe study is sought to investigate Domestic Violence and Employee Performance of Women in Kawempe Division, Kampala City. The study was guided by the following objectives (i) To determine the effects of Domestic violence in Kawempe Town Council, (ii) To examine the influence of effect of Domestic violence on work performance amongst Women in Kawempe Town Council and (iii) To establish the relationship between domestic violence and work performance among women in Kawempe Town Council. The study employed a co-relational research design. However from the estimated population of 100, a sample size was determined using Slovene’s Formula to 56 respondents. More so to obtain the desired data and relevant to the subject matter, the researcher used several instruments that can help in this research. The techniques that were used in this data collection are questionnaires and interview guide. The study findings it was found that the various effects of effects of Domestic violence in Kawempe Town Council, Regarding the effect of domestic violence, the respondents rated this construct as generally Satisfactory for example in table 4.5 above shows that 20 (35.7%) of respondents strongly agreed that alcohol is the major cause of domestic violence and 16 (28.6%) agreed that alcoholism is the leading supplement or effect of domestic violence against women, while 11(19.6%) disagreed and 9 (16.1%) strongly disagreed with the statement. The researcher concluded that majority strongly agreed that domestic violence against women is majorly caused by alcoholism. This therefore showed that the adequacy of alcohol and consumption of alcohol cannot work hand in hand with marriage because it results into abuse of women and domestic violence. However from the findings, the researcher concludes that the study concluded that Sensitization and education of the families about the effects of domestic violence in relation to the domestic violence is on a low pace. Despite the education and knowledge acquisition about domestic violence in communities its effects and bad practices it’s clearly seen that this education has not affected long term behavior change amongst the families in households. Lastly Basing on the findings of the study, it was recommended that to achieve lasting change, it is important to enact legislation and develop policies that protect women; address discrimination against women and promote gender equality; and help to move towards more peaceful cultural norms.
- ItemDomestic violence and family stability in Soroti District. A case study of Soroti Sub County(Kampala International University. College of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2011-08) ABEJA, SHARON AMECHUThe research was carried out in Oderai parish Soroti sub county, Soroti District. The study was about the domestic violence and stability of families, a case study of Soroti Sub County. The objectives of the study were to find out the forms of domestic violence, to identify the major causes of domestic violence and to find out the measures for preventing domestic violence to create stable families. The methods used in data collection were structured administered questionnaire and interview guide. Convenience method was used to select respondents who took part in the study. This was through themes and frequency tables. The major findings of the study were that; alcoholism, influence of drug abuse and financial difficulties are these main causes of domestic violence as it is what most of respondents said .Others were adultery, influx of western culture, permissiveness, role of women emancipation political differences, denial of conjugal rights and influence of family members respectively. Divorce, child abuse, psychological torture, increased spread of HIV and physical damage are the most effects of domestic violence and others are family economic breakdown, financial burden on family members. From the research findings domestic violence can be minimized if the government intervenes and put strict laws on the people involved, sensitizing people through guidance and counseling, religious intervention among others